La semana de moda de Madrid es un plataforma promocional para marcas españolas e hispanas, halagando a la antigua semana de la moda de Cibeles, formalizandose como tal la renovada fashion week en 2012 gracias a la coalición de la compañía Mercedes Benz e IFEMA (institución ferial de Madrid) dotando mayor imagen internacional gracias a la firma alemana de lujo.
The fashion Week of Madrid is a promotional platform for spanish and hispanic brands, flattering the old Fashion Week of Cibeles, formalizandose as such the renewed Fashion Week in 2012 thanks to the coalition of the company Mercedes Benz e IFEMA (institution Madrid trade Fair) with a major international image thanks to the German luxury brand.
Para esta edición la temporada a explorar fue Primavera-Verano 2017 obsequiando oportunidades enormes a diseñadores emergentes, que buscan un reconocimiento mundial a través de su moda vanguardista y moderna.
For this edition the season to explore was spring-summer 2017 giving enormous opportunities to emerging designers, who seek a worldwide recognition through its avant-garde and modern fashion
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada
No podemos hablar de un Madrid fashion week sin la participación de la talentosa diseñadora madrileña que nos proporciona el efecto BOOM en dicha semana demostrando una vez más su explosiva personalidad y carisma reflejada en sus pomposas y cero convencionales creaciones que nos hacen reir, festejar y divertirnos detrás de lo estructurado que parecen ser estos eventos.
We can not talk about a Madrid fashion week without the participation of the talented designer from Madrid Agatha that gives us the BOOM effect in this week demonstrating once again its explosive personality and charisma reflected in its pompous and zero conventional creations That make celebrate and have fun behind how structured these events seem to be.
When I thought I could not be surprised, after a season remembered for the sweet dresses (literally) in the form of doughnut, cupcake and with many candies as decoration comes the special tribute to Cristobal Balenciaga adding to his artistic pop seal A certain elegance with the magnetic crazy and extravagant touch that has all the fashion shows of the dressmaker, again carrying picked up with a lot of dexterity wrapped in the super adorable heart headdress.
En lo personal ARP me parece una firma excepcional, la colección estuvo simplemente despampánate (como suelen ser),contando con un gran esfuerzo de producción solo señalando los vuelos gigantes que tuvieron que recrear, las súper mangas ¡gigantes!, la falda con discos espectacular, sus figuras minimalistas, mini vestidos voluminosos, flores preciosas en forma de aplique, lazos otra vez enormes y empalagosos, vestidos con volumen estilo caucho, atuendos muy redondos, colas efecto arcoíris de plástico muy extrañas de verdad difícil de describir y no puedo olvidar el amor esparcido en el ambiente no solo por tener grandes corazones que adornaban looks completos sino que también las actitudes llenas de ilusión contagiadas por el toque agathista fantástico de las modelos y el público fue precioso ,simplemente un mundo teñido de tonos pasteles asombrosos pero aniñados.
Personally ARP I think’s an exceptional brands , the collection was simply despampánate (as they usually are), counting on a great effort of production only pointing to the giant flights that had to recreate, the sleeves giants!, the skirt with discs Spectacular, its minimalist figures, mini voluminous dresses, beautiful flowers in the form of applique, again huge bows and cloying, dresses with rubber style volume, very round attires,tails very strange plastic rainbow effect really difficult to describe and I can not forget the love scattered in the environment not only to have great hearts that adorned full looks but also the attitudes full of illusion infected by the touch fantastic Agathista of the models and the audience was beautiful, simply a world tinted with amazing pastel shades and childish.
Ulises Mérida
Antes de hacer el post no conocía sus trabajos sin embargo su impecable colección llamo directamente mi atención además de haber inaugurado el evento este año un logro lo suficientemente grande para hacer de esta una de las mejores de toda la temporada, teniendo en particular un valor sentimental agregado debido a la reinvención de su camisa blanca Bettina un éxito total en su compañía representando más que un producto su esencia en sí, realizando un excelente trabajo en su pasarela monocromática que contaba con el protagonismo del blanco y algunas chispas maravillosas de color.
Before making the post did not know his works however his impeccable collection I call directly my attention in addition to having inaugurated the event this year a big enough achievement to make this one of the best of the whole season, taking into particular an added sentimental value due to the reinvention of her white shirt Bettina a total success in her company representing more than a product her essence itself, doing an excellent job on his monochromatic runway that had the protagonism of white and some sparks of color.
El desfile como señalo fue puramente minimalista, académicamente perfecto, elegante y misterioso empezando por túnicas y vestidos midi estructurados en blanco, con tornasolados zapatos puntiagudos y el toque de color vino de los labios de las modelos. Más tarde se deja ver el trabajo con los colores crudos en conceptos más simples de ropa femenina, un pantalón y camisa de lino era un gran ejemplo de esta fase de colección atreviéndose poco a poco a experimentar con el naranja en cinturones, bolsos y de repente… sale una preciosa camisa oversize en naranja vibrante, desde allí transformándose en delicados pero vivaces atuendos coloridos sobrios y bonitos definiendo los abrigos y trajes maduros su fuerte, jugando un poco con la perspectiva de los tornasolados y la seducción de los vestidos.
The runway as a sign was purely minimalist, academically perfect, elegant and mysterious beginning with tunics and midi dresses structured in white, with iridescent pointed shoes and the touch of color came from the lips of the models. Later it is allowed to see the work with the raw colors in simpler concepts of feminine clothes, a trousers and linen shirt was a great example of this phase of collection daring little by little to experiment with the orange in belts, handbags and suddenly … comes out a beautiful oversize shirt in vibrant orange, from there transforming into delicate but vivacious colorful garbs sober and beautiful defining the coats and mature suits his strong, playing a little with the perspective of the I and seduction of the dresses.
Como broche de oro introduce el azul océano muy inteligentemente en camisas y pantalones rectos no muy elaborados y luego en vestidos fluidos con osados escotes y metálicos retoques, finalizando entre lentejuelas, brillos y solo un poco de organza.
As a brooch of gold introduces the ocean blue very intelligently in shirts and straight trousers not very elaborated and then in dresses fluid with daring necklines and metallic touches, finishing between sequins, glitters and just a little organza.
Pepa Salazar
The overwhelming and singular point of view of the young designer Pepa turn their fashion shows into an interesting and entertaining show where we observe cool and urban trends that we could easily incorporate into our wardrobe, of course with the glam factor of the designer that I would define in this opportunity as the new way to use latex with a lot of style.
Salazar’s collection was truly profitable her technique of getting the most potential out of his textiles I guarantee his success, with the asymmetric technique with which he made the five pieces with the graffiti of his name and the skirts that accompanied these outfits Complemented with the best latex meshes that seem to be nothing fresh for the summer but they are still so great.
The irregular summer dresses that continued the collection disappeared a bit of the urban map posed by Salazar taking a course something feminine and sexy necessary to enhance their next risky success which consisted of the two looks completely Metallized, choosing to paint also the skin of the models, one in green metallic bottle and the other looked like a disco ball painted silver, striving to the maximum with the creative details like this that enhance the functionality of the designs and completely transform what was a fun runway but not enough to remember it however I must always remember, a metallized girl is not seen in all Fashion Weeks lol.
No olviden seguir a The Pink Pineapple en toda sus redes sociales en especial en Instagram y Pinterest donde son publicados los estilismos más guay y atrevidos al igual que las últimas tendencias y algo de moda celebritie.
Do not forget to follow The Pink Pineapple in all their social networks especially in Instagram and Pinterest where they are published the most cool and daring stylings as well as the latest trends and some fashion celebrities.