Fabric pumpkins are nothing new but I thought it would be fun to put a simple twist on them! I love shibori (ancient Japanese dyeing technique with indigo dye) and I thought it would be fun to create a big ol’ batch of pumpkins out of handmade shibori inspired fabric!

I used some scraps of white fabric, a few packages of Tulip One-Step Dye Kits in blue and got busy creating my dyed fabric.
I used a few different techniques and a variety of different clips, rubber bands, folding and wooden shapes to create my fabric.
I followed the directions for the one step dye and let my fabric sit for about 6 hours then washed and dried it!

The result was some really fun pieces of blue fabric that have that tie dye/Shibori vibe I was going for!
Next, I got busy creating my pumpkins!

Creating fabric pumpkins is SUPER fast and easy.
Start by cutting out circles from the fabric. I cut out a variety of different sizes of circles.
Then stitch all the way around.

Next, fill with poly-fil and gather the thread.
Stitch it closed.
Using twigs from our yard, I hot glued the stem into the middle of the pumpkin.
Last, I tied raffia and craft paper wire around the base of the stem.

The result is a batch of beautiful shibori inspired pumpkins that will be used in our fall decor this year!

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