A few Friday’s ago I packed up my photography equipment and nipped over to the other side of Malmö to spend the day with Sara Hallin Sandström. Sara is a Master of CMF (Colour Material/ Finish) at Electrolux and co-producer of Colour Therapy (along with Tina – who’s beautiful home I featured here) and lives with her husband Nicklas – an Art Director (and ex colleague of mine – it’s a small world!) and their gorgeous sausage dog Kakan in a funkis house from the 1930’s. We had a brilliant day, including chats and laughter over a fika (coffee and a small treat) and capturing the details from Sara’s wonderful home. I hope you enjoy the tour! 

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Tell me about your beautiful house:
Our house was built in 1934 for families working at the nearby airport (Bulltofta, closed in the 1970’s). At that time, it was made up of two apartments with a shared bathroom, laundry room (in the basement) and garden.

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

What drew you to the house?  

We really love the architecture and the structure. It was made in the early days of the “funkis” (functionalist design) era and this is visible in the details of the house. The very rational structure and the big windows are very “funkis”, while the decorative details inside are more inspired by the 1920’s style. We liked that the house was left in its original state with a lot of original details. We also love the location of our house, it is a cosy, bohemian neighbourhood within walking distance of the city center. And of course, that we have our own garden with several fruit trees (original from 1934) and space to grow our own vegetables.

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden
Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Have you carried out any major renovations? Yes, we re-made the kitchen and built a modern bathroom next to our master bedroom. But we have also kept the original bathroom with a tub in the basement. When we made the new kitchen, we removed a wall to open up the kitchen towards the entrance of the house, we hired carpenter Christer Bentmon to build a custom-made kitchen inspired by the original but with modern functionality. I painted the kitchen in a traditional, ecological paint made of eggs, linseed oil and pigment. We want this kitchen to live as long as the previous one, for more than 80 years!

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

How would you describe your interior style?
Eclectic, I like to mix new with old things and things from home with things from other cultures.

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

How would you describe your colour palette?
Colourful Scandinavian – we have lots of colours in our house but they are all quite muted and not too loud (very Scandinavian!) and work well in combination with other colours.

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

Sara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden

What tips do you have for anyone looking to introduce colour into their home?  
Dare to be personal. Go for what you like and don’t care too much about trends. But it’s always a good idea to try the colour on a small part of the wall before you buy a big bucket. Colours change a lot depending on the light in the room, but that’s also the beauty with it! Our grey colour in the living room is shifting from warm to cold depending on the time of the day and the season.


Thank you so much Sara, Nicklas and Kakan for inviting me into your home – what a fun and truly inspiring day. I think I need to go and fix a walk-in-wardrobe for myself now – how much would you love a room like this in your house?!

Get the look from Sara’s home:

Kitchen – cabinets painted in Ovolin (code 5-632), Sara made the pendant lamp using the
HÖLJES Pendant lampSara's fabulous 'funkis' house in Malmö, Sweden from IKEA, gold electric cable from a local store and this brass vase which she drilled a hole in.

Dining room – the Olle Alberius for Orrefors lamp was a wedding gift to Sara’s parents from her grandparents

Sitting room – the round mirror is an antique (from Bukowskis) – this one is similar (see our mirror round-up here!). Sofa from Bolia, Isamu Noguchi coffee table. Book shelves from IKEA (painted the same colour as the wall: Lin from Alcro). Vase on shelf from Stilleben, Copenhagen.

Walk-in-wardrobe – storage baskets from H&M home, Ilva rug, clothes rails from Vore. This, this and this stand are ideal for jewellery.

For more inspiration check-out Sara’s blog and instagram feed!

….And that’s me done for the week here on the blog! We’re enjoying our last couple of days in Spain before I head to London to celebrate the new limited edition Nespresso Variations Confetto collection in collaboration with artists Craig and Karl (candy inspired coffee blends – What’s not to love?!) at the Regent Street boutique on Monday night (keep an eye on Instagram Stories!).

I hope you’ve got some fun plans over the next couple of days?

Have a wonderful weekend and see you Monday!

Photography – Niki Brantmark / My Scandinavian Home. Design / home-owner: Sara Hallin. Styling support from Tina Lekeberg.


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