On My Hook: Icicles & Puffs
First of all, Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate it!
We do not celebrate it here, but as an English teacher I try to bring other cultures and their traditions closer to my students, so Halloween is joyfully expected and as merrily celebrated in an ESL classroom. Needless to say we had tremendously interesting and funny classes today.
At home, I have my hook inserted into this nice scarf for which I combined both the icicle and the puff stitch. It is coming up nicely, although the colors are much more vibrant and beautiful in reality. This is not one of my usual, comfort color choices, but I’ve been challenging myself to work with more of such that are out of my comfort zone and I like it so far. 

On My Hook: Icicles & Puffs

Come back tomorrow because we are having a chart reading again!
