El tiempo vuela y ya las fashion weeks llegan empezando con Nueva York una de las más populares, donde participan cientos de firmas para dar a conocer su colección primavera-verano, no se imaginan el trabajo que tendremos ahora, redactar nuestros desfiles favoritos es súper complicado, muchas nuevas y desconocidas firmas llaman mi curiosidad y dejarlas por fuera sería una lástima, por lo cual he decidido hacer los post por días uno,luego dos y asi sucesivamente para evitar dejar por fuera los defiles combinado el street style; espero que les guste tanto como a mí, besos!
Time flies and the fashion weeks arrive beginning with new York one of the most popular, where hundreds of brand participate to make known their spring-summer collection, do not imagine the work we have now, to write our favorite runways is super complicated, many new and unknown firms call my curiosity and leaving them out would be a pity, so I decided to do the post for days one, two, three, four and so on combining runways with street style of course; I hope you like it as much as me, kisses!
Tom Ford
Todo es bueno si comienza con un desfile tan moderno e inspirador como el de Tom Ford, que como declara prefiere quedarse en Nueva York por un tiempo, y ¿quién no? si la “meca” de la moda esta un su mayor apogeo, aunque algunos indiquen que Paris vuelve a predominar, para NY siempre quedara un espacio.
Everything is good if it starts with a runways as modern and inspiring as Tom Ford, who says he prefers to stay in new York for a while, and who not? If the “mecca” of fashion is in its greatest apogee, although some indicate that Paris again predominates, for NY there will always be a space.
The truly high stilettos and the fearsome super uttered shoulder-pieces were undoubtedly the theme of the runways, as well as their inspiration in the vibrant colors, the extremely short outfits that would be wonderful in L.A (one of the greatest inspirations of designer) as his films which rescues the drama, reflected in the make-up and daring attire with gleaming touches.
Ulla Johnson
The spring-summer collection looked like a beautiful and calmed garden, with very beautiful flowers that resemble me literally to the wedding of Bella Swan, yes yes fan of Twilight , but already returning to the subject the flyers,bows, transparencies and as I said the movement that i think I liked enough and in my opinion the best were the earrings with amazon influence, ie as in the time of dinosaurs, the stone is not very elaborate and has many peculiar cuts that personally I like and seem to be versatile and with much style. The colors are warm, typical of spring however they are not so vibrant and cheerful but more sober and matte.
Lo que me atrae de la colección, es que aunque no sean del todo convencionales, clásicas, monótonas o simples su piezas se adaptan perfectamente a el día día y tienen eso que te puede llevar a crear un look espectacular que quizás podrías usar para eventos más elaborados por lo cual me gusto compartirles sobre la firma y sin duda la tomare en cuenta para la temporada.
What attracts me from the collection, is that although they are not entirely conventional, classic, monotonous or simple their pieces are perfectly adapted to the day and have that can lead you to create a spectacular look that maybe you could use for more elaborate events for that’s why I liked to share them on the firm and I will definitely take it into account for the season.
Solace London
Aunque no sean demasiado conocidos sus creaciones son fantásticas, la estética es muy sofisticada, me encanto el hecho de combinar los pendientes para dar un aire minimal y la utilización de textiles como la seda con el charol y los colores súper vibrantes con tonos neutros sin duda un gran acierto, al igual que su técnica natural de sus cabellos.
Although they are not too well known their creations are fantastic, the aesthetic is very sophisticated, I love the fact of combining the earrings to give a minimal air and the use of textiles such as silk with patent leather and super vibrant colors with neutral tones Undoubtedly a great success, like his natural technique of his hairs.
Adam Selman
De él si había escuchado, seguro tu tambien, ya que ha vestido a celebridades como Rihanna, Lady Gaga etc. Su estilo cool y divertido llena los armarios de las chicas neoyorkinas, además de colecciones capsulas de las cuales es participe; por ejemplo su colaboración con Le Spaces que fue una pequeña porción de la moda futurista en gafas.
Of him if he had heard, sure you also, as he has dressed celebrities like Rihanna, Lady Gaga etc. Its cool and fun style fills the wardrobes of the new girls, as well as capsule collections of which it is involved; For example his collaboration with Le Spaces which was a small portion of the futuristic fashion in sunglasses.
Para la colección de primavera-verano a decido en mi opinión marcharse por lo veraniego, ya que los cortes y colores sugieren ese veredicto. En lo personal me encanta el estilo divertido que tiene es muy guay y sin filtro.
For the spring-summer collection he decide to go for the summer, as the cuts and colors suggest that verdict. Personally I love the fun style it has is very cool and no filter.
El contraste que logra entre lo casual y elegante es magnífico, al igual que los diferentes estampados, apliques y detalles que incorpora hace que la colección se vuelva adictiva para el público. Gran diseñador que inspira alegría en la pasarela con el recuerdo de los años retro modernizados.
The contrast between the casual and the elegant is magnificent, as well as the different patterns, appliques and details that incorporates makes the collection become addictive for the public. Great designer who inspires joy on the catwalk with the remembrance of modernized retro years.
Sé que se hace extenso el post pero ahora viene la parte más divertida… adivinaron el estilo callejero que comprende muchas tendencias próximas al otoño e ideas increíbles para los looks de entretiempo.
I know that the post is extended but now comes the funniest part … guessed the street style that includes many trends near the fall and incredible ideas for the looks of halftime.
El apogeo del empoderamiento femenino apenas comienza y es con este tipo de mensajes que sale a luz por todo lo alto en las calles de Nueva York.
The apogee of female empowerment is just beginning and it is with these kinds of messages that come out all over the top on the streets of new York.
Si necesitas marchar a una reunión importante y te sientes informal la mejor solución es colocarse una blazer de raya diplomática que además de favorecer sienta fantástico si lleva la combinación de colores infalible.
If you need to go to an important meeting and feel casual the best solution is to place a blazer of diplomatic stripe that besides to favor feel fantastic if you wear the combination of colors infallible.
Las Birkenstock sin duda fueron el zapato para llevar en verano y en lo personal me agrada y alargaría su período de uso un poco más.
The Bikenstock certainly were the shoe to wear in summer and personally I like it and would lengthen their period of use a little more.