Fall time certainly is a time for looking at DIY projects like masks, what with Halloween and all, but it’s not actually the only time that masks will come in handy. In our house, for example, chances are good that someone wears a mask at some point every single day thanks to our kids’ love for playing dress up. That’s why we’re always looking for tutorials and instructions that will help us make awesome costume pieces and fun masks of all kinds!
Just in case you come from a big costuming family too and, for one reason or another, are always finding yourself in need of a mask or two, here are 15 of the coolest DIY mask tutorials we’ve found helpful so far!
1. DIY masquerade mask
It might be a little early at this point to start thinking about New Year’s Eve if you just intend to attend a party, but what if you’re actually planning on throwing one? Well, one of our very favourite NYE parties we ever went to was a masquerade, and we’ve always kind of loved masquerade celebrations ever since. Here’s an awesome DIY golden glitter mask with a lacy edge that’s basically everything a masquerade mask should be, if you ask us. Check it out in more detail on Makoccino.
2. Felt fox mask
Are your kids big animal lovers who are always playing games in which they pretend to be animals of all kinds? Then animal masks are precisely what they need to take their games to the next level! Animal masks, like this adorable fox from Style Novice, are a lot easier to make than you might think. Their tutorial shows you how to make it happen with felt and some glue!
3. Batman mask
Are your kids huge Batman fans who are always running around the house pretending they’re using a cape to fly from building to building? Well, making a cape isn’t hard but will they really feel the part if they don’t have Batman’s identity concealing mask to go with it? There are plenty of easy ways to make the mask as a flat piece you can tie on, but Batman’s has more structure than that. That’s why we love this very cool folded cardstock mask from Henry Origami! It might look like an intimidating design, but it’s a lot easier than you might think.
4. Outlined lace mask
We already talked about masquerade masks, but have you always loved the look of lace masks specifically? We think they’re the most gorgeous as well, but lace can be hard to mould and keep in place. That’s why we love the way Cut Out and Keep took measure to not only give a cut piece and lace some structure, but also how they outlined the edges and created some embellishment with 3D paint. The paint keeps the edges of the lace from fraying when you wear it.
5. Party masks from paper plates and straws
Perhaps you’re hosting a kids’ birthday party and you’re actually looking for some masks that they can help you make as an activity at the party itself? Then we think these funny, flat little animal masks made from paper plates and straws are a great idea! Momtastic shows you how to make a cat and a frog, but you can make just about anything if you practice a little bit of creativity.
6. Cardboard star lord mask
Is one of your kids a really big Guardians of The Galaxy fan who has been begging for a star lord mask for a while now, but you just haven’t found one in stores that was accurate enough but still affordable? In that case, we have a feeling you’ll really love this tutorial from Wonder How To! Even though they show you how to make the mask out of cardboard, they don’t just draw it flat and tie it on like a lot of cardboard mask tutorials. Instead, they show you how to cut and bend pieces together like puzzle pieces to actually build a helmet just like the one from the movie. Paint it when you’re done and voila!
7. Homemade latex Halloween mask
Are you a very dedicated crafter who is also very invested in your costuming and you’re feeling rather up for a challenge when it comes to your mask making? In that case, we have a feeling you won’t shy away from this tutorial that teaches you the full steps for making a creepy mask out of latex! This tutorial from How Bizarre might be intended for a spooky Halloween mask, but the techniques you learn in that process will help you make just about any shape or character mask you can think of once you’ve got them under your belt.
8. No-sew DIY pjs masks
Are your kids so intent on playing dress up and wearing masks that they start their games most mornings before they’ve even gotten fully dressed for the day? Half the time our kids are already putting on costume pieces and playing pretend before they’re even out of their pyjamas in the morning! That’s why we loved the idea of making pyjama masks so much. These cute felt masks from Simply real moms are soft and easy to make in just about any shape or character.
9. Embellished and embroidered felt owl masks
Are you very into the felt mask idea but you’re rather experienced with sewing and embroidery and you’d rather make something a little more artisan looking and hand crafted? In that case, we have a feeling you’ll appreciate the stunning skills that went into these beautifully stitched felt owl masks from Sew Mama Sew. Even if you choose to make another animal or shape than the owls you see here, following this tutorial to add the same kinds of beautifully embellish stitches and embroidered flowers will be simple enough for you.
10. Paper mache Venetian Carnivale mask
Have you been reading about Carnivale in Venice and telling your kids about all the pomp and circumstance involved in the annual celebration to the point that they want to try it out for themselves? Then check out how these paper mache, glitter, and paint carnival masks were made by Art Club! We love the way they embellished their base idea with ribbons and feathers.
11. DIY steam punk gas mask
Maybe you’re actually the one who’s been looking for a mask tutorial because you’ve been building yourself a steampunk look but the only part of the look that isn’t complete is some type of mask or headpiece? In that case, we have a feeling you’re going to love this steampunk inspired gas mask that’s been deliberately painted to look like it’s experienced some wear and tear. Find the whole concept in more detail on Lost Wax!
12. Crepe paper rosettes mask
Do you have a base mask already that you’ve been thinking about ways to embellish and build upon so that it looks a little bit more interesting? In that case, we think you should consider these pretty crepe paper rosettes from Mardi Gras Outlet! They’re simple to wrap and glue on and the finished product is really impactful, especially when you consider how plain the mask started out.
13. DIY parrot mask
While we’re talking about super fun animal masks to help your kids’ pretend games really come to life, check out these amazingly fun felt and feather parrot mask from Mommy Like Woah! It might look a little bit complicated with the way it’s layered but the cutting and gluing techniques are really quite simple! Add as many colours as you please depending on how fancy you want your parrot to be.
14. No-sew feathered bird mask
Do you love the idea of making a bird mask but you want to make sure it’s no-sew because you’re really not great with a needle yet? perhaps you’d also rather have it be heavier on feathers and not so much on felt? In that case, we’d suggest taking a look at this no-sew bird mask from Blue Bear Wood instead! We love the idea of combining different colours of feathers to give the whole look more dimension.
15. Koala mask
Have your kids got just about every type of animal mask under the sun except for perhaps a little Australian koala bear? In that case, check out this simple design made with foam and embellished to look really cool with faux fur for the ears! My Poppet shows you how to attach the fur properly so it doesn’t fall off and shed pieces all over the kids’ clothes while they’re wearing it.
Have you made other super fun DIY masks that your kids love wearing but that you don’t see on our list? Tell us all about how you made them or link us to pictures of your finished product in the comments section!
The post Homemade Masks for Costume Parties appeared first on DIYs.com.