Home decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blogHome decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blog Home decorated in warm tints - via Coco Lapine Design blog

The walls of this apartment are painted in very warm tints, which makes this apartment look very cozy and inviting. Adding soft materials like linen curtains, a table cloth, a linen sofa cover and a beige area rug makes this look fresh as well. I like the combination of the two coffee tables in the living room very much and the olive tree next to the sofa is a nice touch.

Styled by Grey Deco, photographed by Jonas Berg for Stadshem

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