Rain chains are a decorative garden accessory that provide a pleasant waterfall sound as the water passes over the chain. DIY rain chains are a lovely way to showcase your creativity in your garden, since you can create a design that expresses your unique personal style.

Slag glass rain chain

Slag Glass Rain Chain

When the light catches this rain chain, it creates a pretty rainbow effect. Victory or Death in the Garden has an easy to follow project tutorial.

Copper rain chain

Copper Ring Rain Chain

Simple yet elegant, this copper ring rain chain is sure to please. Head over to Instructables for the project tutorial.

Wire wrapped rock rain chain

Wire Wrapped Rocks

Polished rocks wrapped in wire make an inexpensive rain chain that creates a strong visual impact. Learn more about this project at Dollar Store Crafts.

Ceramic rain chain

Ceramic Rain Chain

No instructions are provided for this design, but the look would be easy to duplicate with large beads or stones with holes drilled through them. Photo via Prairie Break.

Bucket rain chain

Bucket Rain Chain

A rain chain make from galvanized buckets is a quick and easy way to add visual interest to your garden. Visit Curbly for the tutorial.

Ombre rain chain

Ombre Flower Pot Rain Chain

Tiny terra cotta flower pots painted from light to dark form the basis of this unique ombre rain chain.  Design Sponge has the details.

Spoon rain chain

Spoon Rain Chain

A metal rain chain made using old spoons adds vintage charm to your garden.  Birds and Blooms has the instructions for this DIY project.

Funnel rain chain

Funnel Rain Chain

Metal funnels are a natural choice for creating a rain chain with a very modern design. Head over to Mother Earth Living for the tutorial.

Rain chain shower curtain hooks

Shower Curtain Hook Rain Chain

Shower curtain hooks joined together form a delightfully unexpected rain chain. Greneux Gardens has the details.

Cookie cutter rain chain

Cookie Cutter Rain Chain

If you hate to bake, but have inherited a large collection of cute metal cookie cutters, why not transform them into a rain chain for your garden? New House Hew Home has the details.

Pine cone rain chain

Pinecone Rain Chain

It’s not the most long lasting idea, but a rain chain made of pinecones can double as a bird feeder when it’s sunny. All you need to do is smear a bit of peanut butter on the pine cones! Learn more at Burbs and the Bees.

Bottle rain chain

Bottle Rain Chain

There’s no tutorial, but this recycled bottle rain chain upload on Pinterest should be manageable for anyone who’s already familiar with the process of cutting glass bottles.

Key chain

Key Rain Chain

Don’t throw away old keys! Connect them together with wire to create a unique rain chain for your garden. Photo courtesy of Timber Press.

Stained glass rain chain

Stained Glass Rain Chain

The colors in this rain chain are gorgeous. It appears to be made of stained glass, although Dishfunctional Designs doesn’t provide specifics.

Zip tie rain chain

Zip Tie Rain Chain

Keep it simple and inexpensive with rain chain made from leftover zip ties. Dollar Store Crafts has the details.

The post DIY Rain Chain Inspiration for Your Garden appeared first on DIYs.com.


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