A newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blogA newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blogA newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blogA newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blog A newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blog A newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blog A newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blogA newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blogA newly built home styled with black accents - via Coco Lapine Design blog

This is the latest work of interior stylish Laura Seppānen for Lumo homes. It’s not an easy task to make a newly built home look and feel cozy, warm and inviting. Laura managed to do this by using many different materials and textures and she used black as an accent color, which adds a little bit of a dramatic effect to this look.

Photography by Pauliina Salonen

The post A newly built home styled with black accents appeared first on COCO LAPINE DESIGN.


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