I won’t ever get tired of talking about how much I love autumn. My favorite season is finally back. With changing leaves and woollen sweaters everywhere, I finally find myself having some more time again to re-decorate my apartment, work on that huge pile of unread books that only got bigger over summer (#sorrysooonotsorry) and dream about faraway places.
As we all know, Instagram is the perfect breeding ground for inspiration of any kind. So without further ado, here’s a list of the ladies and gentlemen who made me screenshot their snaps like crazy: Plants, cabins and documentary photography all the way.
1. @urbanjungleblog
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My heart is beating like a jungle drum… While some of my plants didn’t survive weeks of neglect while I was traveling in summer, I vowed to give the tiny green jungle in my living room another chance and stock up on some easy plants in October. I promise you, “urban jungles” will cause serious interior and plant envy but it’s one of the few typical picture perfect Insta accounts I just can’t unfollow.
2. @melaphelia
Ashley Winkler’s stream is a feast for the eye – if the eye loves interior and architecture. Which it does, right? She works as a freelance graphic designer and art director in Vienna and her bedroom wall will immediately make you want to spice up your own. Also: coffee cups and sun-kissed Austrian streets!
3. @agenturostkreuz
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Agentur Ostkreuz is a collective of 22 German photographers who are united by their talent and passion for honest documentary photography. The agency is based in Berlin and celebrates getting as close as possible to your subject without telling too much. Each Ostkreuz photographer has a unique style and if you follow their work for a while, you’ll soon get a feel for their different visual languages.
4. @alicecatherine
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Alice Catherine is Manchester-based fashion blogger and I love, love, love her style to pieces. I only discovered her a few weeks ago; it’s been a while since a fashion blogger caught my attention like that. I now want to grow my hair and go back to that effortless London chic that I hope I had during my student days. And did I mention those eyeliner skills?
5. @helloamerica
Road trips and hikes and analogue photos: Kristen and Matt, the guys behind @helloamerica, have a refreshingly slow way of portraying the American road. It’s authentic, simple and the opposite of those glossy, staged travel photos you see everywhere these days. Keep up the great work!
6. @24hourproject
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The @24hourproject is a documentary project where street photographers shoot one photo per hour on a particular day. The result is as diverse, colorful, romantic and real as life gets. Everyone is invited to participate; the account shares photos of these special 24 hours (April 1) all year round. Why not take part next year and let the street photographers sharpen your eye for the seemingly ordinary daily lives around the globe in the meantime?
7. @slingaillustration
Slinga is a German illustrator who focuses on playful, feminist themes. Her work will remind you gently to find a chilled, positive way of treating your body because it really is just yours. Her childlike style (and I mean that in the best possible way) is also a bit of an ode to the good old days when we were kids and drew just for the sake of it. Our parents would put those “pieces of art” on the fridge and I think autumn, with all its colors and inspiration, is the perfect season to get back into drawing and put the results on the wall.
8. @_foodstories_
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I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who gets super lazy with cooking in summer. I barely used my kitchen over the last few months but there is something so beautiful about cooking up some healthy carrot soup or baking a pumpkin cake, letting it cool off and taking an autumnal walk before eating way too much of it. Well, Nora and Laura will give you plenty of inspo both in terms of what to eat and how to arrange it.
9. @cabinlove
(insert @alanis lyric of your choosing) Thanks @lostintheforrest, per usual.
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Cabinlove is another evergreen account you’ve probably come across at some point. I’m going to Canada in October for a three-week road and hiking trip; scrolling through some of the country’s (and world’s!) most beautiful hidden cabins makes my heart jump like crazy. Oh, to live in a cabin and sort your life out forever…
Who are your favourite Instagram accounts? Let us know below and of course don’t forget to follow @travelettes!