We all know how great nail polish is for making our fingers look pretty and stylish, but have you ever wondered what else you can use it for? You might be surprised how versatile a tool your different varnishes are! Check out these unconventional uses for nail polish that you might find really useful!

1. Protect jewelry

Protect jewelry

Prevent costume jewelry from tarnishing, chipping, or turning your skin green by coating it with a thin later of clear polish.(Source: All Day Chic)

2. Stop stockings runs

Stop stocking runs

Clear nail polish will put an end to a risky looking tights run without being too noticeable.(Source: All Day Chic)

3. Update jewelry colours

Change jewelry colours

Do you have costume jewelry pieces that you’ve grown bored with? Change it up with a new coat of paint that’s less likely to chip off than crafting paint!(Source: All Day Chic)

4. Mark your keys

Mark your keys

Nail polish dries with a varnish finish that will cling to metal better than most paint, making it the perfect way to code your keys. It also looks very fun!(Source: All Day Chic)

5. Give yourself “Red Bottoms”

Give yourself %22red bottoms%22

Have you always coveted Louboutin shoes but never been able to afford them? Make yourself a pair of knock-offs using bright red polish! The glossy finish will look much more realistic than the matte finish of normal paint.(Source: All Day Chic)

6. Repair scratched shoes

Repair scratched shoes

Nail polish is a perfect quick-fix for shiny shoes of all colours that have been scuffed or scratched. The shiny way it dries will blend with glossy materials.(Source: All Day Chic)

7. Thread a needle faster

Thread a needle faster

Is the frustration of threading needles your least favourite part of sewing? Dab a tiny bit of clear nail polish on the very end of your thread to give it some structure. This will let you poke it through the tiny hole in the needle much easier!(Source: All Day Chic)

8. Seal an envelope

Seal an envelope

Do you despise the taste and feeling of licking envelopes? A quick coat of clear nail polish can fix that for you!(Source: All Day Chic)

9. Jazz up your bobby pins

Jazz up your bobby pins

Bright colours and sparkles are a great way to make simple hair pieces out of regular bobby pins. The same long-lasting action that makes your nails look great will keep the polish on the pins too.(Source: All Day Chic)

10. Paint paper bead jewelry

Paper bead bracelet

Nail polish comes in many more colours, shades, textures, and sparkle options than regular paint. Wind paper beads and paint them however you choose! The polish finish will make them look almost like glass beads instead of paper.(Source: Crimefish)

11. Make marbled greeting cards

Marbled greeting cards

Marbling custom things is an awesome way to use nail polish! It floats on the top of water in a way that paint doesn’t, letting you combine colours without actually mixing them. Dip thick card stock into your marbled mixture and cut pieces to make custom marbled greeting cards.(Source: Stamp Away with Me)

12. Enamel dots

Enamel dots

Enamel dots are a great decorative tool for just about anything. Whether you’re scrapbooking, making greeting cards, or looking for a subtle way to spruce up another DIY decor piece, they’re an easy way to ad a cute pop of color and texture. Make them yourself by dropping circles of nail polish onto wax paper and letting them dry completely.(Source: Kim Kesti)

13. Make marbled Christmas ornaments

Marbled christmas ornament

Custom Christmas ornaments are a great way to make cute holiday gifts or even just your own decor. Marbling glass Christmas balls with nail polish creates a cool, long lasting effect.(Source: The Cheese Thief)

14. Make nail polish and marble jewelry

Nail polish jewelry

Have you ever seen those flat-backed marbles at the dollar store and wondered what they’re for? Well, combined with some awesomely coloured or sparkled nail polish, some glue, and plain ring or necklace pieces, they make pretty adorable jewelry!(Source: Rebecca Likes Nails)

15. Marbled espresso cups and saucers

Marbled espresso cups and saucers

Jazz up dollar store mugs and saucers to match any decor scheme you want by marbling them with nail polish and water! The awesome water colour effect will impress your guests.(Source: Bloglovin’)

Do you know of other great ways to use nail polish that we missed on our list? Tell us all about them in the comments section!

The post Unconventional Ways to Use Nail Polish appeared first on DIYs.com.


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