Like I wrote in my previous post here, I meet so many interesting people through my work. People who dare follow their dreams, and who is an inspiration for others. Earlier this week I visited Kine and Kristoffer at Ask og Eng. The couple is exactly like I described. It all started with the couples desire to make something special, different and sustainable for their own home. It resulted in several hand made bamboo kitchens and was then followed by the establishment of the Ask og Eng studio in early 2016 where they now offer their hand crafted products to customers all over the country. Kine´s background is in environmental geography and climate change means that when it comes to design and manufacturing, sustainability is of utmost importance to her. Kristoffer is a trained architect and the practical aesthetic mind behind the company.
I have showed you some photos from their showroom earlier, but since then they have moved to a bigger premises, started collaborating with another carpentry on sharing space and equipment, and the production is more efficient. Still Kine and Kristoffer work side by side with the workshop, designing and developing new products and has the full overview on everything.
The kitchen above is designed and hand crafted by Ask og Eng, and I love the color and the surface of the bamboo. I learned that bamboo is harder than most types of wood, which makes it a good choice of material for kitchens, and of course the most important, the sustainability of it. The Ask og Eng collection also include doors ready made to fit IKEA units in addition to their custom made kitchens, which is a great option if you already have a well functioning Ikea kitchen, or move into a home who has one, but want a more high end and exclusive kitchen. I am getting a whole new kitchen for my apartment since I´ve changed the layout completely during the renovations, and the combination of Ikea and Ask og Eng is definitely one of my options.

photo © elisabeth heier
Innlegget SHOWROOM VISIT // ASK OG ENG dukket først opp på ELISABETH HEIER.