How To Remove Smoke Smell From House

From burnt toast to cigarette smoke and even house fires, there are many reasons why smoke can get into your home. Whatever the reason though, no one likes the smell of smoke but it can be difficult to get rid of it. If you’re unsure of what methods work best for removing a smoky smell, these tips will help you learn how to remove smoke smell from house.

Image: Katrina Lee Chambers

In general, increasing the airflow in the house, decreasing humidity, and enhancing natural light will help with smells of all sort. Depending on how irritating you find the smell, a complete deep cleaning may end up being necessary. To get started though, these are a few of the tips that you may want to start with.

Steps for Removing Smoky Smells

Let in Fresh Air

Start by opening up the windows and doors. If it’s a sunny day, pull back the curtains to allow for natural sunlight. This will help kill germs and bacteria while a light breeze will help the smoky smell disappear. You may not be able to do this in the winter but it will help during times of nicer weather. While doing this, turn on all the fans, even the exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen. The cross-ventilation will help to recirculate the house’s air and replace it with a fresh outdoor breeze.

Do a Deep Clean

Smoke can get into the house itself so it’s best to clean as soon as you notice the smell. Sweep, mop, and vacuum the house thoroughly. Don’t stop at just vacuuming the carpet though, clean the entire house. The curtains and furniture may also harbor smoky smells so vacuum them and clean if you can. Make sure that you check the vacuum’s filter between sessions. If the smell appears to be sticking to the carpet, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and leave it overnight. Vacuum it up the next morning. You can do this with upholstery as well.

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Clean Hard Surfaces

Ammonia is a great hard-core cleaning agent that you can sue to wipe down a variety of surfaces. Be careful though that you don’t mix ammonia with bleach. .With its strong smell, you’ll want to make sure that the house is well-ventilated. Consider wearing eyewear when using ammonia and follow the directions on the label.

Use Odor Eliminators

There are some great tools on the market which can be used to eliminate smoky odors naturally. Air fresheners such as Febreze air can help to eliminate odors. Spray them around although you’ll still want to take other steps. Set out bowls of activated charcoal in rooms where the smell lingers. They will absorb the smoky odor. Other options include baking soda, coffee grounds, and even cat litter. All of these may help to absorb lingering smells.

Wash the Walls

This is a more drastic step and not one that everyone will need. For more severe smoky smells though, the smoke can end up getting into the walls. Instead of repainting, wash the walls and the ceiling with vinegar. Don’t rinse the vinegar and instead allow it to dry. If this doesn’t work, then you’ll probably have to repaint.

Change the Air Filters

The air filters in the house’s heating and cooling system are designed to trap particles which can lead to smells. You should change them regularly but if you’ve had a lot of smoky odors in the house, consider changing them right away. If you want a faster fix, you can also invest in an air purifier. This not only helps to get rid of smoky odors but will also kill bacteria and fungus in the air. Even growing plants around the house can help to purify the surrounding air.

Removing Other Contaminants

Smoke isn’t the only pollutant in your home. Silica dust is found in a number of construction materials and can lead to lung cancer if you have chronic exposure. If you’re doing construction or other projects around the house, then you want to avoid having this in your home. It’s best to do this promptly as the problem may worsen over time. If unsure of how to remove silica dust from houses, these are the recommended methods.

Clean with a HEPA filter Vacuum

Silica dust easily remains in the air and on the surface of objects long after you’re done working on something. A HEPA filter can remove the majority of small particles including silica dust. If you know that you have silica dust in your home, invest in a vacuum that has a HEPA filter and take breaks to clean up the work site regularly.

Keep the Area Enclosed

If you know that the silica dust is only present in a certain area, you want to keep it from spreading. The area can be covered with an enclosure. Use a durable enclosure that will contain fine debris. Once you’ve cleaned up the area, you can open it back up again. You’ll want to wear protective equipment while being exposed to the dust. Make sure that you have a respirator that has a good fit. It may be uncomfortable but it will ensure that you stay safe.

Clean Up Promptly

Regardless of whether you have contaminants in your home, silica dust, or just smoky smells, time makes a difference when it comes to the cleanup. If you want too long, it may be harder to remove these smells from your home. For the best results, follow these steps promptly. Most mild smells and contaminants can be removed fairly easily but you may need to take additional measures as well.

If these methods haven’t been effective for you, then you may want to consider hiring a professional cleanup team. It may be more expensive to choose this option but in some cases, smoke simply won’t go away with these methods. Try them at first before using a professional service to get an idea of how you can best remove smells from your home.

The post How To Remove Smoke Smell From House appeared first on Decoholic.
