A few weeks ago I attended  an event organised by VanMokum Amsterdam and Ay Illuminate Following Ay Illuminate for years, I really enjoyed hearing the complete story told by Ay Lin herself, and how all lamps were beautifully shown. It was a great night where we could connect with all the brands represented by ‘VanMokum’. I really loved seeing all the beautiful designs by the different brands next to the location itself.

Frama was presented in a cafe set-up, designed by Studio Heiligland  They truly are one of my favourite brands for years and I really loved seeing the brand so beautiful represented.  Check out VanMokum to see all brands they work with.

Frama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay Illuminate



Frama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay Illuminate

Ay Illuminate

Frama cafe and an evening with Ay Illuminate

Ay Illuminate

Frama cafe and an evening with Ay IlluminateFrama cafe and an evening with Ay Illuminate

images ©vosgesparis

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