Water fountain can be an apple in the eye when you know where to put them. Water fountain makes the ambience even more alive. With water glistening in your yard or patio, the feeling is even fresher and your house will be more beautiful. As water fountain can have many forms, you just need to see which one is the best fit for your home. Here below are some examples you might like before choosing the best one you like.

Round Table

This one is really beautiful with its flat look round copper table where all the water falls out as it is overfull. The water looks so beautifully reflects the woods and leaves around it. The copper color looks the best with all the brown stones and concrete around the fountain.

round copper flat water fountain with basin deep inside
Pearson Landscape

Bowl in the Middle

If you have a large yard that looks something to be put to make it whole different, water fountain is the best thing you can do. This one here is in the form of a bowl that contain all the water before it lets them out through the edge. The dark color is a pretty contrast to the tidy cut lawn.

copper bowl water fountain with small pool around it ringed with grey roudn partition
Liquid Scapes

Black Short Monument

If you love irregular form, this one idea might make you fall in love. Placed irregularly like Stonehenge, these rocks gives the nature look around even fresher. The black stones are such great contrast but it still looks bright as water running out from it.

tall black rock features water fountain in the middle of a garden

Rustic Stones Water Fountain

For those who love to blend with nature, this stone bridge water fountain might make you fall in love too! Located around the colorful plants, this one looks like a miniature from a location in a fantasy novel.

stacked rocks feature water fountain with rock bridge for the water to fall
All Oregon Landscape

Dark Sculpture with Many Sides

This one is a great contrast both from the color and the style. Among all the plants, this water fountain looks different yet refreshing.

black short hexagonal rock fountains
Genus Loci

Black Stones Stack

A stack of black stones will look so incredibly beautiful in your yard whatever it is that you try to achieve. In this picture, the stack of stones looks gleaming among all cool color of pavement.

black rocks stack water fountain with black river stones under
The Watershed Company

Square Block

This one is for you who love to have something nude that will match with your bright natural surroundings in the patio. With small flow, this kind of water fountain will give you beautiful sound.

poured concretes water fountain with water out from the front
WA Design

Urn Fountain

Simplicity is what this fountain tries to achieve. With one simple urn water fountain with small flow, this fountain will only give you a calm sound. In the middle of chairs for you to have conversation, this fountain will not drown out your voice.

brown water fountain in the middle of patio sitting area
Brandon Architects

Calm Three Urns

More urns for you who love pottery. These calm sounded water fountains will bring you peace. The color gradation in the urns brings more color without leaving the natural feeling. Putting in the corner of your yard, these kinds of fountain will brings out your corner from gloomy feeling.

Three urn pottery water fountains with line details and color gradation
Richard P. Rauso – Houzz



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