Are you the kind of crafty parent who loves helping your kids get creative and doesn’t shy away of mess, but also likes to help them keep up with fun trends too? We like to keep an eye on what kinds of kids’ crafts are most popular right now because we just know that one of these days, our own kids will hear about it from their friends at school and come home begging to make it too! That’s what happened with slime, the latest crafting trend that’s totally cool but also just gross enough to be the kind of thing that kids will really get obsessed with. Ours just can’t get enough of the gross, gooey texture! Besides that, we actually love making slime with them as well because there are just so many awesome colours, textures, and effects that you can make your slime have. Versatility in a craft is great because our kids don’t just want to make slime this afternoon… they want to make it over and over again until we’ve made all the different kinds of slime they can possibly think of!

Scented slime
Bubbling foam slime
Edible starburst slime
Bubble gum slime

Just in case your kids have become as obsessed with slime as ours have, here are 15 of the coolest slime making tutorials and suggestions we’ve come across in our hunt for the ultimate slimy crafternoon options!

1. Nutella slime

Nutella slime

Did you know that slime is the kind of craft that a lot of parents and teachers make with kids because it’s a multi-sensory project? Besides being able to see the bubbles and stretchiness and feel the way the slime squishes in your hands, there are slime recipes out there that are made with ingredients designed to make it smell good too. This super sweet smelling Nutella slime from Aira Tran is the perfect example of what we mean! While there are definitely edible slime recipes out there, we wouldn’t recommend eating this one. Try storing the slime right inside an old Nutella jar to keep it fresh and prank your kids’ friends!

2. Rainbow slime

Rainbow slime

Besides slime, are your kids currently completely obsessed with anything rainbows? When it comes to choosing colours for anything at all, ours are always picking many shades in combination so that whatever they’re doing, wearing, making, or eating looks like a unicorn. That’s why they were so excited when we made this rainbow slime from DIY Projects for Teens with them!

3. Baking soda slime

Baking soda slime

If you’ve already been looking up slim recipes for a while, then you probably also already know that many of the original tutorials from when slime first became popular were made with Borax. This is strong in chemical content, however, so many parents have been looking for alternative ways to make slime that let them skip that ingredient. That’s why we liked this recipe from Monster Kids so much! Their tutorial shows you how to make the same craft with the same consistency but using kid safe baking soda in place of Borax.

4. Worry free, kid-friendly slime

Worry free, kid friendly slime

Are you planning on making slime at your kids’ next birthday party, so you have the wellbeing of all their friends on your hands as well as their own, making crafting safety particularly important? In that case, this purposely kid-friendly recipe from Surviving A Teacher’s Salary is definitely the one for you. It’s made with gentle ingredients that are all deemed safe to use by schools but that will still get you that awesome slime texture for maximum crafty fun!

5. Bubbling foam slime

Bubbling foam slime

Have your kids made lots of regular textured slime before and now they’ve got their eyes on the kind that has bits and pieces of cool feeling texture additives in it? In that case, they’re going to love this brightly coloured gel style slime from Toy Monster! Besides being easy to make in all the shades in the rainbow, they show you how to put foam beads like the kind you’d find in stuffed toys into the mixture so the slime feels extra cool when you squish it. They also show you a cool trick for using a straw to blow bubbles in the slime!

6. Scented slime

Scented slime

Are you really into the idea of making scented slime because crafts that use all of your kids sense are their favourite kind, but you’re not sure how you feel about the idea of making the Nutella recipe we showed you above? Maybe you’re worried someone might actually try to eat it since it looks so realistic. In that case, you might prefer to try this fun coloured scented slime instead! Smart Schoolhouse shows you how to make all kinds of smells, like strawberry, watermelon, and other fruits.

7. Bubble gum slime

Bubble gum slime

Were you rather intrigued by the idea of blowing bubbles in your slime when we mentioned it above, but your kids don’t actually like the feeling of the textured beads in theirs and you’d rather stick with regular, stretchy slime instead? In that case, we have a feeling you’re going to love this tutorial from Growing a Jeweled Rose. They guide you through the process of making a slime that’s the colour of bubble gum and blows into big bubbles at the end of a straw just like a wad of bubble gum too!

8. Clear 5-minute alphabet slime

Clear 5 minute alphabet slime

If you and your kids have never tried making clear slime yet, then we’re sorry to tell you that you’re missing out! We love making the clear kind because it’s much easier to add cool texture pieces to it and have them be really visible. The trick is to mix the slime with clear Elmer’s school glue rather than the classic white kind. We love the way The Budget Diet added little plastic letters to make alphabet slime! Besides, what’s better than a recipe that only takes five minutes to make?

9. Heat sensitive colour changing slime

Heat sensitive colour changing slime

Are your kids a little bit older and mostly interested in crafts and DIY projects that, besides making a fun mess or being very hands-on, almost feel like science projects? In that case, we have a feeling they’re going to love this heat sensitive colour changing idea from Left Brain, Craft Brain! They show you a mixture of ingredients that will change your slime from red to yellow in reaction to the heat of your hands or finger prints. This is definitely one that the kids will want to mix up themselves, rather than you mixing it for them so they can just play with it!

10. Magnetic slime

Magnetic slime

Speaking of DIY and crafts that feel like crafting projects, here’s one that’s so cool even we were excited to try it out! Growing a Jeweled Rose guides you step by step through the process of making a dark looking slime that actually has magnetic properties, meaning you can use a magnet to manipulate the slime and make it move, just like in the picture! These is the kind of craft that really gives back, because it amuses the kids while they make it, but it’ll also keep them busy for hours after.

11. Glowing rainbow slime

Glowing rainbow slime

Were your kids pretty intrigued by the idea of the rainbow slime we showed you earlier on our list, but they’ve made so many different kinds of slime before that you’re really in search of a super cool project that will actually impress them? Then try combining their love for rainbows with the awesome ability to glow in the dark! Frugal Fun 4 Boys shows you how to make slime that has colours that stay distinct without running into each other and that glows in the dark along each colour when you turn the lights out.

12. Sour Patch Kids DIY slime

Sour patch kids diy slime

Are your kids right around that age where they’re still interested in crafting with food the way they were when they made dried pasta necklaces in pre-school, but they’re also at that almost tween age where things have to be kind of gross in a “cool” way to hold their attention? Then this Sour Patch Kids slime is the perfect craft for you! Nichole Jacklyne shows you how to make a fruity smelling jelly slime that’s insanely fun to squish.

13. Edible Starburst slime

Edible starburst slime

Do you remember earlier on our list when we were talking about how some slime recipes are actually edible, rather than just looking or smelling like food? Well, this edible Starburst candies slime from Teach Beside Me is the perfect example of what we mean! Their tutorial shows you how to heat and roll the chewy fruit squares into long coloured strips that behave quite like classic slime but taste a lot better.

14. Snow slime

Snow slime

Is it already snowing for the winter season where you live, so your kids have mentally switched gears and now they’re only interested in winter crafts because they’d rather be outside playing in the snow at basically all times? Keep them busy on extra cold days in a way that’s almost as cool by helping them make this snow slime from No Time for Flashcards! Glitter and snowflake shaped sequins help the slime sparkled just like snow and it’ll even roll into a snowball shape; maybe just discourage your kids from throwing it at each other too hard like they might with a real snowball.

15. Edible marshmallow birthday cake slime

Birthday cake slime

Are you still looking for that perfect edible slime recipe but you also want it to have a certain level of novelty that’s totally kid-appropriate, even though it’s something most adults wouldn’t want to eat? Then this edible birthday cake marshmallow slime might be exactly what you’re looking for! This tutorial from Shundara Castion teaches you how it’s done and we can’t get over how cute the rainbow sprinkles look all mixed in. This is one of the only times we’ll encourage our kids to pay with their food!

Have you made other types of awesome DIY slime with your kids but you don’t see the cool colours and textures that you created in the ideas on our list? Tell us all about how you made yours or link us to pictures of your work!

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