DIY Decorative Vases with ShurgardDIY Decorative Vases with Shurgard

You may remember that last month I teamed up with Shurgard to create a home DIY for their blog. This month I’m following on from that with another idea for repurposing your home items to serve as new, shiny storage. The month I’ve taken it down a more decorative route with this collection of vases, sure to make a statement in any room of your house. Yes, you might be picking up on some oriental vibes and I have to admit I have been loving that look lately, which I didn’t see coming!

For the full DIY tutorial head over to Shurgard blog where you can see how to master this easy make. Take a flick through some of the rest of their content too. It’s sure to inspire you to be creative with your home storage.

DIY Decorative Vases with ShurgardThis was a sponsored collaboration with Shurgard to create inspiring content.


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