Decorate with DIY mini pumpkin vases this Halloween

DIY mini pumpkin vases

Not in to the spooky, creepy, bloody side of Halloween?  Then I’ve got just the Halloween decoration for you – these DIY mini pumpkin vases to make and decorate with.

Mini pumpkins make such cute decorations as they are, but I can’t resist adding my own little touch.  So I decided to turn these mini pumpkins in to little vases and use them to decorate my dining table. These pumpkin vases aren’t just for Halloween though. They’ll make a fun centrepiece for any autumn gathering or just as a seasonal decoration anywhere in your home.

DIY mini pumpkin decorations

DIY mini pumpkin vases

mini pumpkins (sometimes called munchkins)
craft knife & paring knife
acrylic paints
paint brush
small flowers/foliage
floral wire or similar

mini pumpkin decorations halloween

1.Cut a circle around the stem.  I found the easiest way to do this was to first score with a craft knife and then I used a paring knife to go all the way in. Just be careful not to go all the way through as you can’t have holes in your pumpkin vase for obvious reasons.

2. Once you’ve cut around the stem, pull out the middle. Then using a teaspoon, scoop the out all the flesh and seeds.

3. Paint your pumpkins – I went for antique white and a grey-green which I created by mixing lots of medium grey paint with a bit of black and some emerald green. Leave to dry.

4. Fill each pumpkin with a bit of water and add your stems. I’ve used eucalyptus and babies breath. It’s a good idea to use some floral wire or something similar to twist around the stems before placing in your vase, like in the picture above. This holds the mini stems together and keeps them upright.

mini pumpkin table decorations

diy mini pumpkin vases halloween

mini pumpkin decoration idea

Just in case you’re wondering, so far I’ve had my flowers in these DIY mini pumpkin vases for 5 days and they’ve lasted well.  I was worried that the pumpkins might go off and start stinking!! That hasn’t happened but I do recommend changing the water every other day or so and I think the pumpkins will last as long as the flowers do.

My favourite part of Halloween has to be painting and decorating pumpkins (apart from stealing my kids candy of course!).  What’s your favourite part of Halloween?

P.S. Want some more Halloween decor ideas? Here are some playful Halloween party ideas for a kids party.

The post Decorate with DIY mini pumpkin vases this Halloween appeared first on DIY home decor – Your DIY Family.


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