Making Christmas ornaments with our kids to hang on the tree is one of our very favourite parts of Christmas! Having recently moved to a new place that’s closer to the countryside, however, everything we’ve made lately has had a bit of a natural influence. That’s why we’ve been looking up different, exciting ways to put a sort of unique, nature themed spin on this year’s DIY ornament projects! We can’t wait for how fitting these will look on our Christmas tree.

Pine cone, acorn, and leaf owls
Pretty pistachio christmas ornament
Rustic string wrapped ornaments
Rock and branch glass balls

Just in case you love the idea of creating your very own homemade Christmas ornaments with the help of nature just as much as we did, if not more, here are 15 of the best ideas, designs, and tutorials we’ve come across in our search so far!

1. Rock and branch glass balls

Rock and branch glass balls

Plain, empty glass sphere ornaments, like the kind you can find at just about any local craft store, are one of the best things you can get your hands on this time of year because the options for customizing them are practically endless! We can’t get over how much we love the way MNN filled theirs with tiny rocks and bits of actual fir tree branches.

2. Frosted twig ornament

Frosted twig ornament

So long as you’ve got some hot glue, some glitter, and access to some twigs, you’ve got just about everything you need to make this next idea! Serendipity Refined guides you step by step through the process of making a star burst shaped ornament constructed from simple twigs like you’d find in your back yard. Glue them together and add glitter to the tips for frosty sparkle!

3. Acorn cap and marble ornament

Acorn cap and marble ornament

Like us, have you always loved the idea of combining modern and natural elements in one place? Well, we can scarcely think of an aesthetic we love more, particularly when there’s colour involved. That’s why we adored this acorn cap and colourful marble ornament idea featured in detail on Rhythms of Play! We love the way the colours of the marbles contrast with the brown acorn caps.

4. Birch bead wreath ornament

Birch bead wreath ornament

Working with wooden beads might not be something that lets you go out scavenging in the forest for supplies, but we still like choosing to work with as natural tools and products as we can, even when we go out shopping for them in stores. That’s why we liked the idea of working with sanded birchwood beads so much! See how Home for The Harvest made these adorable little wooden wreath ornaments in just a few simple steps.

5. Pine cone penguins

Pine cone penguins

As if lightly painting the tips of a pine cone white as though they’ve been dusted with snow wasn’t already a cute enough Christmas ornament idea, Hello, Wonderful shows you how to take the design to the next step in cuteness! We love the way they used felt to add features in order to turn their pine cones into little penguins.

6. Pine cone, acorn, and leaf owls

Pine cone, acorn, and leaf owls

Were you very intrigued indeed by the idea of working with pine cones in your natural DIY ornament process but you already have something penguin shaped so you’re looking for an alternative? In that case, we definitely think you’ll appreciate the way Broogly added acorn caps, leads, and a bit of paper in order to turn theirs into a wintery looking little owl!

7. Rustic string wrapped ornaments

Rustic string wrapped ornaments

Perhaps you have some rather plain looking rounded ornaments that you’d really like to jazz up a little because you’re underwhelmed with how they currently look but they’re not the kind that you can fill? In that case, we’d suggest taking a look at how Sweet Nature’s Beauty used string wrapping techniques to create a rustic holiday themed exterior for them instead!

8. Embellished bark ornaments

Embellished bark ornaments

This particular ornament idea, outlined step by step on Rain or Shine Mamma, is actually the kind of diverse thing that you can put your own spin on once you’ve got the technique down! They used little pieces of Christmas candy to add colour and shape to their bark bases but you could also use paint, glitter, beads, and so on if you preferred.

9. Twig and urchin Christmas tree nest

Twig and urchin christmas tree nest

This tutorial from The Space Between is an interesting one because they actually started out just using twigs to make a little bird’s nest to place in their Christmas tree so it really looked like a tree you’d find outside and the dried sea urchin pieces were added on a whim! We love that the finished ornament looks perfect for a seaside themed home, but we also love the idea of getting creative with what things you have around your house that might look neat in your own little DIY Christmas tree nest. We made one and our kids immediately nestled Batman action figures into it, so that’s who lives in our Christmas tree now.

10. Pine cone Christmas stars

Pine cone christmas stars

Perhaps you were actually a huge fan of the idea of using pine cones to create Christmas ornaments but, rather than making a project that’s aimed at kids, you’d prefer to do something slightly more handcrafted and delicate? In that case, we think perhaps you’ll get along a little better with something like this fantastic wire mounted pine cone star concept featured on Recycled Crafts.

11. Pine cone and mini pom pom door wreath

Pine cone and mini pom pom door wreath

Just in case you had a bigger ornament in mind that just something little that you’d hang directly on the branches of your Christmas tree, here’s a whole door wreath concept that also puts the pine cones that are scattered around your backyard to good use! Check out how Make & Do Crew made theirs from scratch and embellished it by adding colourful miniature pom poms.

12. Bead, branch, and feather angels

Bead, branch, and feather angels

Just in case you’ve actually been scrolling through our list hoping for something angel themed to come up, your patience has finally paid off! Here’s a lovely little angel ornament design from DIY Enthusiasts that’s made from fir branches, birchwood beads, an actual feathers that were found outside and have been cleaned off and let dry so they’re germ free but also nice and fluffy.

13. Pretty pistachio Christmas ornament

Pretty pistachio christmas ornament

We’re not really sure what it is about the holiday season that always has us munching on pistachios, but it’s always been a family tradition and we have no intention of breaking it! While we’re snacking, we think we might actually save the shells so we can try our hand at making this lovely layered pistachio holiday ornament outlined step by step on BHG.

14. DIY rustic log candle holder

Diy rustic log candle holder

Have you actually been hoping to find a project that’s a little more challenging and hands on, or maybe even one that will let you get your tools out? Well, even if you’re a beginner, then we think we might have found just the project for you! Take a look at how Marty’s Musings created these lovely, natural looking holiday candles holders from scratch in surprisingly few simple steps.

15. Old fashioned fruit and cookie holiday garland

Old fashioned fruit and cookie holiday garland

Do you come from the kind of family who likes to get crafty and likes to get creative in the kitchen? Well, particularly if you also love seasonal aromas, here’s a set of instructions from Fireflies & Mud Pies for making an old fashioned garland from dried oranges, dried apples, and gingerbread men! The best part is that you can also eat some of these elements as a snack while you craft if you prepare a few extra.

Have you made other kinds of nature based Christmas ornaments and decor pieces before that you were very happy with indeed and enjoyed creating but that you don’t see here on our list? Tell us all about how you did it or link us to photos of your finished work in the comments section!

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