Having a bench in your home can be an excellent accent piece because of how versatile and multipurpose they are. They can be used as a decorative piece, an extra seating area and/or both. Not only that, but they can be used all around the home as well. You can use them in the master bedroom, kids room, living room, and even outdoors on your porch. You can also decorate them in many numerous ways. Here are a few forms, you can decorate your home using a bench that will enhance your space.

At the End of a Bed

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
The bench you select for the end of your bed does not need to be large and extravagant. Instead, it can be sleek and simple. Doing so can make the room the entire focus instead of just the bench. Choose a neutral tone bench for this effect. If you want a bold effect add a bright bench instead. 

The end of a bed can be a confusing spot to place things in as you generally want a comfortable addition in the room that gives you an added seating space.  That is when a bench will come in handy. A sleek bench gives you a comfortable seating area while also giving you beautiful visual in the room. Choose a bold colored bench for a pop of color.

Coffee Table

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
The great thing about using a bench as a coffee table is you have the ability to store things on it that you wouldn’t be able to do on a regular coffee table. Take advantage of this and add plants, candles or even books. Adding these items gives your bench an extra layer of personalization 

A bench without any backing can be the perfect coffee table as it will double as a seating area when you are not using it as a table. If you have a small living room this is a great way to get extra seating in without cluttering the space. Choose a bench with texture for an added touch of personalization to the space.

Dining Table Addition

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
A bench as part of your dining table can help you have better seating if you have a large family. This is also true if you want to have a larger seating area for your dining table without adding extra chairs. Consider matching your chairs with your bench for a cohesive look that is also elegant.

Instead of having a table with 4-6 chairs, consider have 2-3 chairs with a bench. A large bench can take a dining table to the next level as it makes the table seem more personal. It also gives you a larger, more-ample space for you with a more expanded seating area.

Awkward Corner

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
Get a bench that also offers storage for a versatile addition to an awkward corner. This can help you store some trinkets that you would normally not have a place for. Make it cozy and attractive to sit on by adding a throw pillow or two on the bench.

If you have an awkward corner adding a bench will fix this issue very quickly. The bench will give the space a double dimension as you will not see it as an “awkward corner” you will see it as a new space that you can decorate and even sit on from time to time. You may even want to add a table or books to make the space seem even more interesting to look at.

In the Bathroom

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
You can actually create a very cozy bench right in your bathroom. So much so you may not want to leave your bathroom at all. This bench can double up as storage as well. Add a cozy cushion on top for the ultimate seating area right in your bathroom. Choose dark colors for the best contrast in the bathroom space. 

Believe it or not, a bench can also become part of your bathroom space. In fact, a bench is excellent as a vanity chair or as part of your sink area. If you do not have a vanity in your bathroom, but you do have a double sink a bench will work just as well in this space. Consider the bench as an added bonus to your bathroom.


Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
Having a bench outdoors is always a great idea. It is easy to have as well as .it can cause you to want to spend more time outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Have one on your porch or on your deck for the best seating area in the house.

One of our favorite ways of decorating with a bench is placing it outside. An outdoor bench is a great idea you can add season décor on it, and/or you can sit on it. The reason it works so well is because it allows you to have one or more pieces of furniture without cluttering the space. The idea is to have the bench become an additional décor aspect that becomes one of your favorite pieces in the outdoor space of your home.

In the Foyer

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
The foyer can be a difficult space to decorate. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult spaces to decorate but when in doubt add a bench. A bench will take up most of the space while still giving the space a purpose. A cozy bench combined with throw pillows will do just that.

Regardless of how big or small, the home may be the foyer tends to be a smaller area. Which is great because you have the ability to incorporate a bench in that space. This can become a quick shoe area or even a coat rack for special events. The idea is to have the bench occupy the space to make it seem more included into the home.

Tight Space

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
If the tight space is on the outside of your home you can add a bench there as well. You can even get a custom bench in order to fit the tight space properly. Complete the look with bold throw pillows for a fun and modern twist.

Do you have a tight space in your home and have no idea how to occupy the area before it becomes cluttered? If the answer is yes, then a bench is exactly what you need. A small bench will take up the space while being chic and modern all at once. Add a few throw pillows for comfy appeal.

As a Divider

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
In an open floor plan, a built-in bench is the way to go. It can help separate the different sections while still being a statement piece. In fact, it can become a seating area as well. Therefore, becoming a multitasking accent to the home.

If you have an open floor plan there may not be a true divider between your kitchen, living room or dining room space. Instead of creating a division with your sofa or a dining table create a division with a bench. A bench will create the division in a sleek manner. So much so that many times you may not feel as if the bench divided the space in a huge way. However, you will see the difference immediately in the way your open floor plan appears.

Breakfast Nook

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs
A breakfast nook can be exactly what your home needs. It adds a modern yet vintage feel to your kitchen while taking up the space that you need a bench in. A built-in bench is a perfect way to achieve this look.

Having a separate area for breakfast has become extremely popular in the recent years. The reason behind this is more and more kitchens are becoming larger. Therefore, there seems to be a huge extra area that can be used for multiple different things. Adding a breakfast nook with a bench as its main seating area is not only trendy, but it is versatile as well.

The versatility of a bench makes having one or more in the home always a great idea. Please let us know what is your favorite place to decorate with a bench in the comments below.

The post Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs appeared first on Trendir.

Bench DéCor Ideas Your Home Needs


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