free printable daily planner to get more productive

free printable daily planner

Do you plan your day? Or do you just go with the flow?

For a while now I’ve been religiously planning my days instead of leaving things to memory and chance and the difference I’ve seen is amazing.  I get much more done in exactly the same amount of time but more importantly I’m able to focus on the important stuff that will get me closer to my goals. Without the planning, this just wasn’t happening.

daily planner printable pdf

Rather than use apps, I like to write things down and I also like to have my day’s plan in front of me where I can see it.  So I created this free printable daily planner which you can download below.

I sit down with it first thing every morning and plan without any screens.  I get up before everyone else awakes, grab a coffee (because nothing ever starts without coffee, right?)  and I spend 10 minutes planning my day.  Some people prefer to do it the night before but the morning works best for me.

This daily planner goes well with the free printable weekly planner I shared a while ago. I start by planning each week and once you’ve got an overview of your week’s tasks, it’s becomes easy to plan each day in a bit more detail.

free printable daily planner pdf

At the top of this free printable daily planner, I’ve included a couple of lines to write what you’re grateful for as it’s such a good practice to start and/or end each day with some gratitude.

In addition to writing your daily tasks, you’ve got your ‘todays goal’ box. This is where I like to write down 1 or 2 important little goals that I want to achieve on the day, to get that tiny step closer to achieving those bigger goals.

You’ve also got the ‘todays challenge’ box. I find it helpful to write down anything that I know is going to be a challenge so I am more prepared for it. This could be an important task that you need to do but are putting off or it could be something like a reminder not to procrastinate (if you’re a procrastinator) or not to check your facebook a gazillion times an hour! Anything that you see as a hurdle to getting the important stuff done.  By writing it down and keeping it in front of you, you are much more likely to overcome your challenge, whatever it may be.

free printable daily planner to download

free printable daily planner

Planning my days has really made a difference to me and if you’re not already doing it, this printable will hopefully encourage you to do it too.

Don’t forget to grab your copy of this free printable daily planner below or above.

The post Be more productive with this free printable daily planner appeared first on DIY home decor – Your DIY Family.


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