This is a peek inside Liz’s house, an ever-morphing, creative study, always in-progress. There is no finish line, or complete. It could be photographed again today and it would be different. Very little is new or store bought. Many pieces are from Liz’s late mother who was a collector and designer. Other items are hand-me-downs from friends, scores from second hand shops, antique shows, craigslist and the side of the road. There’s nostalgia and a story in most every piece. And yet, nothing is precious. Kids climb on all the furniture. The dog thinks the coffee table is a dog bed. The dining table hosts lego building sessions one night and dinner parties for 12 the next. Nicks and breaks, stains and tears are part of this house’s story. Everything is replaceable but the people and pets who call this place home …  a mom, three boys, 1 dog, 1 rabbit, 1 mouse and a hermit crab.
Family living at its finest. Also love that this home is filled with nothing purchased ‘new’. Designed by Austin, TX based Liz MacPhail.
