The dream is to have a room that is my very own home office. All mine; just like the home office pictured above. Until I can make that dream come true, I’ll continue to work from my kitchen table. But that means I have to be more organised and tidy as it’s not a permanent work space. Come dinner time and all my clutter needs to be moved.
I’ve been looking for desk tidy DIY’s that will help me have a tidier desk and also make it easy to put stuff away every evening. I also wanted to make sure that all the DIY’s were quick and easy. Even if you have a permanent desk space, these desk tidy DIY’s will make your space much neater.
Here are my 5 quick and easy desk tidy DIY picks that will make your desk tidier:
Where are those paper clips when you need them? It’s the little things like paper clips, pin tacks and tape rolls that create clutter on a desk. And unless kept in one place, they become impossible to find after a while. These small DIY wooden desk boxes will help you keep the little stuff tidy and in a place where you can always find them.
Papers piling everywhere! Know the feeling? I’m not organised enough to start a proper filing system so I love the idea of making a load of these DIY A4 paper folders and having one for each area of my work and life. Made of thick card, they’re super easy to make and you can choose any colour card you like.
How cute are these mini cork boards? And so handy for pinning reminders and appointments as well as daily inspiration. And the best part is that they don’t take up any desk space. These DIY mini cork boards are cut out from cork squares but you could even buy round cork placemats and turn those in to something similar.
An organised mind equals an organised desk, right? Or something like that! I can’t do without my ‘to do’ lists to keep me on track with everything. These free printable to-do lists are perfect to get organised and you could even pin them on to your mini cork boards so you can see them all the time.
Quick, what’s the date today? I never remember either! I’m always consulting my phone, which leads to distraction! So I’ve realised a desk top calendar is a must. I love the simplicity of this DIY desk calendar and I love that you can add a photo for each month.
Which of these desk tidy diy’s will you try first?
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