Me encantan los abrigos tweed y a cuadros, definir si es mi favorito para la temporada está de más, creo que los cientos de outfits fantásticos de los street style declaran por si solos a los jeans+ top sencillo+ abrigo de cuadros como la fórmula infalible para brillar en la temporada algunos llamándole uniforme otoñal, yo solo expresando mi amor por estas chaquetas haciendo una pequeña selección de chaqueta ideales para ti.
I love the tweed coats and plaids, define if is my favorite for the season is over, I think the hundreds of fantastic outfits of the street style declare by themselves the simple top+ jeans + plaid coat as the foolproof formula to shine in this season some calling it autumn uniform, I just expressing my love for these jackets making a small selection of jacket ideal for you.
¿Con cuál te quedas? a mí me gustan todas. …….. Which one do you stay with? I like them all.
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Do not forget to follow the Pink Pineapple in all their social networks especially inInstagramandPinterestwhere they are published the most cool and daring stylings as well as the latest trends and some fashion celebrities.