In educating and raising kid it is very important to balance play and study time. However, sometimes it is not as easy as parents think, children tend to be more fun playing than having to sit at their desks. Various efforts have been made, starting from kids room décor to facilitating them with a variety of complete school equipment, but that alone does not seem to be enough to make them enthusiastic in learning.

In addition to kids room, the work desk also plays an important role in maintaining the children’s mood. A child who made interesting table certainly makes them more excited. As parents, of course we want to see our children understand what we or the school teaches every day, so you can start by adding wallpaper for kids desk.

Beautiful and comfortable furniture is great for making children feel at home in front of their desk. However, adding fun to the wallpaper will just make them even more excited. From polka dot kids desk wallpapers to adventurous safari vibes. Let’s create a more fun learning atmosphere with the following 11 wallpaper ideas.

1. The polka dot wallpaper gives a minimalist yet attractive impression for kids desk. This wallpaper idea is very suitable to be applied to the design of a modern kids room.


2. Not only as a wallpaper with an adorable bunny picture, but also serves as a wall magnet where children can paste notes, assignments, or other small items.


3. Want to bring a cheerful atmosphere at the study desk? In addition to furniture sets with bright colors, you can also add cartoon wallpapers to enliven the atmosphere.


4. A simple and minimalist style table is indeed the best choice for kids desk. Plus the desert-themed wallpaper blends in with the beautiful table decoration.


5. For little girls, a table with a feminine feel seems suitable to accompany their learning activities. Then add floral wallpaper to beautify the empty area on the wall.


6. At first glance, it almost looks like a polka dot wallpaper, but this kid desk wallpaper is in the form of a small triangle which is quite attractive.


7. Bring a safari adventure to the kid’s desk with this wallpaper. In order not to disturb their concentration in learning, avoid wallpaper with striking colors.


8. The combination of vintage and natural shades is really suitable to refresh children’s learning space. Lemon wallpaper with a wall gallery of children’s works becomes a sweet decoration for a kids desk.


9. Scandinavian style is known to be warm and comfortable, and you can also bring this style to your kids study desk.


10. For a shared room, a large desk plus two chairs will make their study more enjoyable. If you have two little girls, choose a wallpaper color they like like pink.


11. You can also bring a holiday feel to the child’s table with the right furniture, accessories, and wallpaper arrangements.


The post 11 Kids Desk Wallpaper Ideas To Get Excited first appeared on HomeMydesign.
