Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade

Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade

Not all plants are able to easily tolerate the shade created by tree crowns. You can turn a shaded area into an exquisite flower garden or lush border with the help of shade-tolerant plants: bulbs, perennials, and shrubs.

Starting a garden underneath a tree can be a challenging task. You’ll likely be battling shade, dry ground, and acidic conditions if you’re planting underneath a coniferous tree. If you’re not fully committed to this gardening challenge, I highly recommend a circle of mulch around your tree and calling it a day.

Plants for deep shade

Ferns, Euphorbia, clefthoof plant hosts (especially varieties with dense leathery leaves of green or blue shades, for example, “Queen of the Seas”, “Deep Blue Sea”, “Blue Mouse Ears”). Most variegated hosts are sensitive to lack of light and in the deep shade can lose their color and become monochromatic.

Acanthus mollis
Alchemilla Mollis
Astrantia maxima 
Campanula persicifolia
Filipendula purpurea.
Geranium nodosum
Tricyrtis formosana

Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade

Plants for the shadow

Variegated hosts with white, golden, yellow edging on the leaves periwinkle, covering the ground with dense leaves and small flowers of blue, purple, white, pink, red shades ephemeroid plants: anemone, corydalis, crocuses, Muscari, redwoods, etc. the heart is gorgeous can grow up to 1 m in height Venus’s shoes are a capricious culture. It requires loose, permeable soils and mandatory shading. Chiarella grows rapidly, forming a dense, wide above-ground cover in 2-3 seasons Heuchera is prized for its spectacular leaves of various colors, compact dense bush shape, and modest but graceful flowering

Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade


Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade

Images via: Pinterest

The post Flower bed designs under trees: 32 juicy options in the shade first appeared on My desired home.
