What I Have Pinned Lately #15
What I Have Pinned Lately #15

Happy Friday guys!
I am happy to wave goodbye to January! It was filled with more celebrations and parties I could ever imagine possible and glad to say it was a tremendous fun! But also very exhausting. Or as somebody said: “January was a tough year, but we made it!”
Quite out of the ordinary, the longest I have been away from my crochet projects, which I don’t regret, because I really needed the time off.
However, having survived January, I plan to get back to crochet work during the weekend as I am preparing something for you for Valentine (wink, wink).
Today, I am sharing some gems I found on the internet.

Free Patterns
What I Have Pinned Lately #15

What I Have Pinned Lately #15
Check out more on my pinterest boards!
