L’hôtel Liberty porte bien son nom, car il n’est rien d’autre qu’une ancienne prison réhabilitée en un lieu de séjour dans la ville allemande Le bâtiment du Grabenallee à Offenburg a été construit à partir de 1843, et il était initialement capable d’accueillir 40 prisonniers. De ce passé particulier, il n’a conservé heureusement que les bois patinés, les briques, les voûtes, et tout ce qui fait le charme de cet endroit spécial et confortable.

Welcome to the hotel Liberty
The Liberty Hotel is well-named, because it is nothing more than a former prison rehabilitated into a place of residence in the German city. The Grabenallee building in Offenburg was built from 1843, and it was initially able to accommodate 40 prisoners. From this particular past, it has fortunately preserved only the patinated woods, bricks, vaults, and everything that makes this special and comfortable place so charming.


Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

Welcome to the hotel Liberty

