psychology of space

What is the psychology of space? Did you know that your home says a lot about your personality and mood? Every place we visit, every space we pass through transmits something to us, that is, it affects us. And that is precisely what the psychology of interior architecture does. In practical terms, it is all about color, the layout of furniture or the choice of one object or another. And this is a matter of self-improvement actually!

Research shows how decoration influences people’s moods. Indeed, science confirms that objects designed with curved and sinuous lines arouse feelings of happiness and relaxation. While rectangular lines are associated with feelings of cold and hostility. But the question is, how much do they affect us?

Image: Lauren Liess

The Psychological Influence Of Our Habitat

The psychology of space offers insight into this simple formula: space and mood are intimately connected. This is why professionals who apply psychology to interior architecture take into account the personal characteristics of their client, as well as their way of being, when creating a space.

How can spaces influence us psychologically? What sensations can the different types of spaces and decorations awaken in us?

Let us look at some important aspects:

  • Open-space: It usually symbolizes tranquility and rest.
  • Complexity: This gives us a sense of challenge and purpose, which can be attractive.
  • Consistency: As space and objects become more homogeneous, we will experience a pleasant feeling of comfort.
  • Texture: The softer it is, the more pleasant it is to the touch. However, it is not only at the level of touch but also with the other senses that we perceive it.
  • Identification: If a particular object or corner is easily identifiable, the sensation it gives us will be pleasant. Otherwise, it can generate tension and agitation in us until we undo the meaning of it.
  • Color: Each color triggers a certain register of emotions. For example, black generally characterizes pessimism and aggression; white to purity; yellow to happiness and green to feelings of harmony, hope, and peace.
  • Social criterion: Spaces are also made for sharing. This is why we sometimes look for spaces that are optimal for collective activities and human interaction.
  • Temperature: More specifically, it is the thermal sensation associated with the spaces. It will be more comfortable for us or not, depending on whether you like the cold or the heat.

Psychology and Design Recommendations

The distribution of the spaces as well as the arrangement of the elements that compose it and the color used influence us. Here’s a set of recommendations on how to decorate your habitat and keep in mind the psychology of space and your home:

Pastel tones are preferable to grey and white tones, as they give an impersonal touch. The pastel range offers a feeling of relaxation and intimacy.

Large open-spaces generate a feeling of freedom and tranquility, which is why it is recommended not to furnish too much.

Personalizing spaces with photos or objects that have important personal meaning makes people more comfortable.

It is incredible to see how a space is capable of generating emotions just by seeing it. Who has never been overwhelmed by a dirty and messy place? Who hasn’t experienced a feeling of peace in front of a minimalist space decorated with soft colors?

Almost all of us have had similar experiences at some point in our lives. The psychology of interior architecture and habitat has a lot to teach us. Every detail is important. Each brings up memories, awakens emotions and promotes different sensations.

It is then true that if you see a person’s home you get to see into this mind and soul. “Show me your home and I will tell you who you are” is not superstition it’s a matter of modern science.

Final words for the psychology of your home

The psychology of interior architecture is also important in the therapeutic field. For example, a study was conducted in 2019 at the University of Palermo (Argentina) to analyze the importance of spaces for patients. It has been found that any external stimulus influences us and that a professional habitat design makes therapy more effective. So, there is no question that the psychology of space plays an important role.

Despite all the above, though, we shouldn’t generalize. As each person is different! Authenticity is the value of the human being, everyone thinks, feels and acts differently. You will also perceive and feel the spaces differently. Thus, one space can awaken tranquility in one person and tension or oppression in another.

The post Show Me Your Home And I Will Tell You Who You Are appeared first on Decoholic.
