Elephant ear embroidery by Sarah K. Benning

Elephant Ear and Rug

You might’ve noticed my absence for most of this week. Although not intended, it’s for an exciting reason. For the past several months, I’ve been working on a book with embroidery artist Sarah K. Benning about her life and embroidery practice. It’ll be published next year with Chronicle Books, but it’s due this week. Hense, the radio silence as I wrap up the first draft. Can’t wait for ya’ll to see it when it’s out on the shelves!

I’ll be back Monday. Have a good weekend!

I visited Sarah’s home and studio this past March and got to see all these beauties in person:

Embroidery by Sarah K. Benning

Embroidery studio of Sarah K. Benning

The post Radio Silence Explained: I’m Working on a Book! appeared first on Brown Paper Bag.
