My Friend Fear, an illustrated book by Meera Lee Patel

The new year revolves around beginnings; from the start of a new calendar to a resolution to change, this time encourages many of us to try and do not only differently, but better. Conquering a fear is a big one, and illustrator Meera Lee Patel is here to help with her new book, My Friend Fear: Finding Magic in the Unknown. She’s previously the author of Start Where You Are, an illustrated journal about self-exploration. My Friend Fear isn’t interactive as with her first book, but it is deeply personal and has beautiful interior artwork that will inspire you, too.

Meera begins the book by acknowledging fear and how it is ingrained in our culture and ourselves. “I feel afraid fairly often, almost on a daily basis,” she says. “I spent a lot of time fighting my fears, waiting for the day that they’d disappear completely. I thought I was weak because there were so many things I was afraid of. It wasn’t until very recently that I began realizing that feeling afraid is inevitable—but whether I let that fear help or harm me, is up to me.” My Friend Fear is a reflection of this. Throughout the book, we get a glimpse into Meera’s head as she recognizes, confronts, and gives herself (and us) a different perspective on fear—that we should learn to embrace the unknown and find peace in their own anxieties.

The spreads are illustrated with a carefree fluidity for which Meera is known. Using watercolors, this choice is also an embrace of the unknown. “I have less control over this medium,” she explains, “large splashes of water push the color wherever it wants to go—and it pushes me to loosen up and become more comfortable with the uncertainty in each piece.” Famous quotes, surreal portraits, and hand-lettered diagrams accompany her words.

My Friend Fear is out today! It’s available in a lot of places, including Amazon. If you’re looking to set the tone for 2018, definitely check out Meera’s book.

Meera Patel My Friend Fear

Meera Patel My Friend Fear

Meera Patel My Friend Fear

Meera gives insight into her artistic process and the inspiration for My Friend Fear in this video:

The post Make Fear Your Friend With the Help of Meera Lee Patel’s Newest Book appeared first on Brown Paper Bag.
