As well as looking good and adding extra impact to any home, purchasing and collecting art can also provide other significant benefits too. When spending hard-earned money on art, you want to show it off and display it in the most appealing way possible, but that’s often easier said than done.

There’s often an array of worry and apprehension when it comes to buying art, with many people being scared to hang or display art in their home in case they get it wrong. Whilst it’s true that tastefully displaying art requires a certain ‘decorator’s eye’, it’s certainly not impossible and very simple to achieve if you know how. So, if you want to learn the difference between merely hanging art and properly displaying it to its full potential, read on!

Eitil Thorén Due

Eitil Thorén Due

Never hang too high

Hanging art too high is an extremely common mistake many new art owners make. It’s important to take into account the overall height and size of your chosen wall and any surrounding furniture. This will ensure you place your art in the best possible position to be displayed within the room.

For example, when placing art above a couch, it’s recommended not to be hung any higher than 8 inches from the couch top. Any higher than this will create a space too large between the art and the furniture, making the art appear disconnected from its surroundings. It’s also important to base the size of the art itself to the size of your couch, ensuring to purchase a piece that’s roughly 2/3 the width of your couch.

Whilst the overall size of the room is important, it’s equally essential to take into account the size of surrounding furniture if you want your art to be displayed at its best.

Bigger is better

If you’re apprehensive about purchasing big pieces of art, tell yourself this important phrase: ‘bigger is better!”. Especially if you have a lot of wall space available, hanging larger pieces will usually be more effective and better displayed than small pieces.

If you simply hang a couple of small, disconnected prints in a large empty space, the wall will just be too overwhelming for the art to handle. So, to avoid this problem, take the plunge and buy a larger piece to fully fill the space and give the room more character. To discover a range of large, unintimidating pieces at affordable prices, look at Follio for ideas.

Know the Difference: Hanging Vs. Displaying Wall Art in Your Home

‘Butterfly Black’ by Jovana Rikalo

Orientation is key

Art must be flattering in order to be displayed properly, so you should take the overall shape of your wall into account too. If your wall is tall and thin, opt for a vertical rectangular shaped piece to fully fit in with the wall’s orientation.

There’s much more to art than simply ‘hanging it on the wall’. Considering the overall size of your chosen room, surrounding furniture and wall is crucial to displaying your art to the best of its ability!

Hannah Pollard shares her tips for home decor success. Hannah works as an interior designer and loves sharing her knowledge with others to create some stunning talking points in homes.

The post Know the Difference: Hanging Vs. Displaying Wall Art in Your Home appeared first on Daily Dream Decor.
