Iced Hibiscus LatteI have been indulging in way too many chai lattes, iced teas, and just sweet drinks in general lately – normally I’m just a water all day type of person. I’m trying (barely) to cut back a bit, but with our floral shower party ideas, I thought it would be fun to make a recipe for a floral tea latte to share with some edible flowers as a garnish to tie your whole party together! And then I just happennn to have ingredients on hand to make these for myself… ? Below I’m sharing how to make a large batch that you could use for an event but I’ll break it down so you can just whip up a glass for yourself!Iced Hibiscus LatteIngredients:
-5 hibiscus tea bags (I tried both this and this.)
-5 cups water
-3 tbsp sugar
-2 1/2 cups milk

Bring 5 cups of water to a boil. Steep tea bags in water for 5 minutes. While it is still hot, add sugar and mix in to dissolve. Remove tea bags and cool tea in fridge. (You can mix with ice and serve immediately, it will just be more watered down.) Once it has cooled, add milk and ice and serve immediately. Top off with frothed milk & edible flower if desired.

For a single serve – 1 tea bag, 1 cup water, sugar to taste (about 1/2 tbsp), 1/2 cup milk, ice.
Iced Hibiscus LatteIced Hibiscus LatteIced Hibiscus LatteIced Hibiscus LatteIced Hibiscus Lattexo. Caitlin

Iced Hibiscus Latte
