How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden

DIY pond from a tire for your garden

So what do we have today for you … a creative idea of how to turn an old hose into a quiet lake for your garden. If you do not have an old tire that you can find around, when you change tire you can keep one as there is a unique way to use an old tire to make a calm fountain or pond for the garden.

Original DIY Planters Ideas for Backyards

Dig a hole on the side of the tire, or leave this step if you prefer to have a raised pond or fountain.

Place some soft sand at the bottom to protect the plastic liner from future damage, especially if you do not want any leaks.

Use heavy lining for lining inside the tire.
Normal plastic is not thick enough and you will need to visit a garden shop to buy a bucket special for this use.

Before attaching the bottom of the bottom line, fill a quarter of the pond with water to add the weight down.

Now you can add decorative stones along the edge of the lining to ensure the final shape. If you have chosen an outdoor pond, place a row of larger rocks around the outside of the tire and smaller at the top to hide the plastic.

Creative gardening tips: Plant containers from old car tires


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden


How to make a small DIY pond from a tire for your garden
