Do you know how is looking the space between the kitchen cabinets and the ceiling in your kitchen, and we believe we have the right answer: abandoned and dusty! This most commonly neglected space between the kitchen cabinets and the ceiling probably bothers you, and you don’t have idea how to use it. We present you 14 interesting ideas how to decorate this unattractive part of your kitchen.

How to decorate space above kitchen cabinets

Image credittop of kitchen cabinet decor ideas

 Image credit decorative items to put on top of kitchen cabinets

 Image credit decorating ideas for above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit storage on top of kitchen cabinets

 Image credit decorating above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit over kitchen cabinet decorating ideas

 Image credit above kitchen cabinet storage ideas

 Image credit decorating the top of your kitchen cabinets

 Image credit baskets for above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit
plants above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit vases above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit decorative items for above kitchen cabinets

 Image credit how to decorate over kitchen cabinets

Image credit

The post How to decorate space above kitchen cabinets appeared first on LittlePieceOfMe.
