Expressing Myself Through Crafts

Expressing Myself Through Crafts 
LoveCrafts had a challenge for indie designers, asking how they express themselves through crafts.
I was raised in a household where traditions were deeply rooted and respected, hence handiwork was always highly appreciated, praised and practiced. The women in my family were all dedicated to creating things for the family, whether out of pure necessity or just for the mere pleasure of decoration: knitted sweaters, hats and shawls, crocheted tablecloths doilies and runners, sewn clothes. I was always entwined in this natural process of creation and encouraged to practice and develop my skills. 
Hence, expressing through crafts has been omnipresent and came naturally when I grew older, trying to preserve all those childhood memories of indulging into all sorts of crafts, which eventually paved the way to create a handmade, inspirational life for me and my family.   By treasuring crafts, I not only reinforce the bond I shared with my predecessors, successfully keeping it from the tooth of time, but at the same time, make a warm and cozy nest for my family, employing my skills.
In time, crochet has become a steady and strong constant that magically turned into a small business. I love creating jewelry, accessories and little pieces of clothing, as well as home decor. I am happy to be able to share my skills with the people who enjoy crochet as much as I do, and that love to make things that I design. 
I am forever grateful for that.
Expressing Myself Through Crafts

Expressing Myself Through Crafts
Expressing Myself Through Crafts 
