clear bathroom with double sink wood mirrors and gold faucets

Having a good and cozy home is not only about ideas that concern the design and overall style of the home. It is extremely important for your house to be a healthy place, where you can really relax and be able to live within an environment which is beneficial to your health and to the health of your loved ones. Check these 8 essential healthy tips about your personal space that are easy to do and most have no cost at all.

  • Keep windows open

Airing your home is vital, as a house which is not regularly
aired will have a very low-quality atmosphere and will contain many more
pollutants compared to city air. Even during cold days, try to air your house
daily in order to refresh your atmosphere and maintain it at a tolerable level.


  • Vacuum regularly

First of all, you need to have a good vacuum cleaner, ideally
one which has high-quality filters that trap dust molecules, mold and
allergens inside and doesn’t let them escape back in your room. Even if you do
not mop the floor daily, it is fairly easy to vacuum your space every day, as
it requires just a few minutes for most normal-sized houses. Doing so keeps
dust at a minimum which can be beneficial for breathing issues and especially
for allergies.


  • Carpets

Cleaning your carpets is something essential for the overall health level in your house. They tend to become a hotspot for germs, dust mites, mold and other pathogens but many times they are neglected by most people. Remember to vacuum them regularly, air them as often as you can and also wash them thoroughly every few months.


  • A clean kitchen

Keeping your kitchen clean is absolutely vital for your overall good health. This means that you should leave no dishes unwashed for a long time, leftovers lying around and your fridge with foods that begin to get moldy. All these can be potentially dangerous for your health, and if you try to make cleaning your kitchen a routine, then it is easy to keep it under control.


  • Bedroom

The bedroom can many times be a neglected room, as we do not spend much active time there. It is important though to remember that it can be a place that determines your health, especially if you have allergy problems. Other than the regular cleaning routine, you must change the bedsheets weekly in order to ensure that you minimize the concentration of dust mites. It is also vital to remember to air your mattress, as this helps in the elimination of dust mites and keeps mold and bad odors under control.


  • Avoid chemicals

Cleaning your home doesn’t always mean that you need to use strong chemicals and detergents. There are many other ecological and healthy options available that can fulfill any task just as good, while many times they are also cheaper. Avoiding the use of chemicals is vital for the health of your family, while it is also important for our planet.


  • Buy some plants

Plants are not only décor elements in your home, as they can
be an integral part of your house and be greatly beneficial for your health.
Many indoor plants, like the English ivy and snake plants, can act as natural
air purifiers. At the same time, plants are known to be very efficient at
helping you relax, ensuring that your home feels more friendly and cozy.


  • Humidity

Many houses have a problem with humidity levels, something that can be very bad for your personal health, as it can lead to chronic breathing problems and allergies. Keeping the house sufficiently aired can sometimes solve the problem, but this is not always the case, as some house have the tendency to be very humid or are in a place where humidity is routinely high. Should this be the case, then consider buying a dehumidifier, as it can be a very good investment for the overall quality of the air that you breathe.

The post 8 Easy Ways To Make Your Home Healthier Right Now appeared first on Decoholic.
