If you’re feeling suffocated in your own home, or feel that the home deco items don’t make you happy anymore, it can be because you have a space that’s too cluttered for you and filled with things you don’t actually want or use. Being a minimalist or at least trying to become one is a solution for kind of problems, so here are six easy ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor:

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

1. Get rid of clutter

From things you receive for free, to presents, souvenirs, home deco items or items without a real purpose that don’t make you happy when you look at them, try to get rid of clutter in your dreamy home. Think about this things and ask yourself if you really need them, if they help, serve a purpose or give you a smile and after that, start tossing items and be firm on what to keep.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

2. Think of the object you don’t actually use

Pillows, a lot of deco items on your bookshelf or desk are just a few items that are pretty but don’t really serve a purpose. Moreover, you tend to buy a lot of them, because one or two are never enough, and after that you start making a collection and you became suffocated by items without a real purpose. So, try to be more selective, think that less is more and start a minimal life in your home.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

3. Pick things with double purpose

Think of chairs that serve as a nightstand, ottomans that can also be a great coffee table, and pillows that can be sits for your guests and start picking double purpose items for your dreamy home. You will have less furniture, but a very practical and functional home you will really love.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

4. Tidy up your kitchen

The kitchen is often a place where you tend to gather a lot of useless stuff or too much products that you don’t actually need in big quantities. From a collection of mugs or coffee cups, to plates, dishes and unnecessary food, this place has to be as minimalistic as possible to keep you passion for cooking or the desire to spend time in this room of your home.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

5. Choose less plants

You can have plants in your dreamy home; they look beautiful, but also when you pick them don’t forget that less is more. Don’t make a botanical garden in your lovely home because you will gather a lot of dust on these plants and also you will always feel stressed by the idea of constantly watering them.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

6. Think of the thing you don’t use regularly

In your bathroom or make-up desk you tend to gather a lot of cosmetic products that you don’t actually use. So, think how often you use them, when was the last time you used it and start making a big selection. You don’t really need a lot of them and they tend to get dusty and make a lot of clutter in any space you keep them.

6 Great ways in which you can become a minimalist in home decor

Source: Cover & Main // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

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