A bedroom is one of the most used rooms of a home. Bedrooms should be cozy and stylish, but also very comfortable so they make you feel at home. Decorations can make hell lot of a difference.5 Ways to Design a Stylish Bedroom

Many people assume that bedrooms cannot be decorated as per their will since they are all about ‘beds’. This is nothing but a wrong thinking as you can make a bedroom standout by being creative.

Here are 5 ways to design a stylish a bedroom:


  1. Mirrors And Lighting

Whether you have a small bedroom or a big one, mirrors and lighting can always bring a charm to your room.Many people prefer strong lights in their bedrooms, but it may not always be right. The right light depends on the overall feel that you want for your bedroom.If you want your bedroom to flaunt style and look comfy at the same time then dim lights can help. They don’t hurt the eye and also look great when reflected through mirrors. Now, coming to mirrors, they also help a great deal to turn your room into a thing of beauty. They make your room look bigger and a bedroom without one, looks incomplete.


  1. The Right Paint

It is important to have your room painted properly if you want it to look good. When it comes to bedrooms, you can go for simple paint or textured walls. However, note that textured walls have a rough surface which may make it difficult to apply certain items on the walls, which is why many people prefer to go for simple paints. They can be great as well for as long as you choose the right painters in Calgary and a color that makes your room stand out. The right color depends on several factors, including the overall feel you want for your room and the color of your furniture.Make sure to be careful when selecting a color for your bedroom.


  1. Give It An Antique Look

Nothing beats vintage style. To add creativity to your bedroom, you can give it an antique look by adding stylish lanterns, fragrance candles, wood work on the floor and antique items that fit the room. If your bedroom is huge then adding a chimney won’t hurt too.


  1. Furniture That Syncs With The Space

Furniture that doesn’t fit right, isn’t right for bedrooms. If the furniture in your room isn’t in perfect sync with the space and walls then you need to make changes. Buy furniture including bed, cupboard and other useful items that blend well with the overall size of the room because large furniture can deteorite the look of a room. Consider color combinations closely and make sure to be creative. Gone are the days when people only bought wooden colored furniture as they are open to vibrant colors too.



These 5 tips can help you transform your boring and dull looking bedroom into a lavish looking bedroom. Just follow them and you will have a great bedroom.


photo via papernstitchblog

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