25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House

There are various factors to make a home feel comfortable, such as adding water features, ornamental plants and much more. If by chance you are one of the fans in particular ornamental koi fish, may build a fish pond around the home will add to the appeal of your home. There are a number of minimalist koi pond designs that you can try, ranging from a simple indoor pool to a pool garden that beautifies your outdoor appearance. I believe, koi fish are types of fish that can bring hockey to their owners. However, caring for and maintaining koi is not as easy as you think. You must have a commitment to provide a decent koi pond design with various elements that will support the health of your koi fish.

Outdoor koi pond

For those of you who have an outdoor area, try to design appropriate koi pond in the open. Can be in the backyard, patio or small garden as a complement to your landscape. Maintaining koi in the open is better than in a closed room, this is because koi fish will feel like in their natural habitat with the need for more sunlight and oxygen. For its water needs, each inch of fish is compared to 10 gallons of water. The reason is quite simple, koi fish needs water is maintained cleanliness and quality. Also pay attention to the pH of the water in your koi pond. Check the pH of the water before and after the fish are added. Ideally the pH for koi ponds around 7, while if it is below that number it will be dangerous for the health of your koi.

25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House

Indoor koi pond

Building an indoor koi pond has many benefits to be had. Of course, the idea of indoor koi pond is very useful for those of you who do not have land outdoors. The atmosphere in the house will feel cold and calming, not to mention the sound of water splashing becomes a means of relaxation for those of you who are tired of daily activities. Indoor koi pond will make the room look natural and enhance your interior aesthetics. Place the koi pond in an empty area in your home such as the front door, rear area, or under the stairs for a unique home design.

25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House


25 Minimalist Koi Pond Ideas For Your House

