We’ve always been crafty people. Ever since we were little kids, DIY afternoons have been our favourite times, whether we spend them alone or with friend and family. The older we’ve gotten, however, the more we’ve realized that having a decent space to actually do your crafting in makes all the difference! If you don’t have a nice sized table to work on or a place to store your supplies, you might find that your ability to make things the way you want is impeded. Either that or you’ll end up like us a few years ago, with all kinds of craft supplies scattered around your home, getting in the way of regular chores and taking over your tabletops. That’s why we decided to empty out our spare room and transform it into a crafts and hobbies room!

Just in case you’re interested in making yourself a crafting room as well but you feel like you could use some guidance and advice along the way, here are 15 awesome tips, ideas, and inspirations that will get your creative wheels turning and help you idea collect for when you start putting together a great DIY space of your own.

1. Mounted mason jars for art supplies

Mounted mason jars for art supplies

Are your favourite types of crafting, creativity, and art usually centred around drawing or painting, so a lot of your supplies are pens, pencils, and brushes? Then we think we might have already found a perfect solution for storing those tools for you, in a way that will help keep you very organized! Check out how Better Decorating Bible attached empty, cleaned out glass mason jars to a rustic looking wooden board and mounted that on the wall, creating a whole row of spots to store your tools. We like that this idea has a little bit of aesthetic to it along with its practical function.

2. Cubbies and bins to organize crafting things

Cubbies and bins to organize crafting things

Perhaps it’s actually your kids that you’re hoping to make a crafting and hobbies room for, so you’ve got a whole lots of tools, supplies, and trinkets to work with since they love to do so many different kinds of things? Then we have a feeling you’re the perfect kind of family for a big cubby shelf! Whether you make the shelf yourself or buy it from somewhere like IKEA, we think you’ll find this guide from Meri Cherry for effectively organizing the cubbies with inserts in a way that makes things easier to find very helpful indeed.

3. Carry a portable art kit

Carry a portable art kit

Perhaps you actually already have an arts, crafts, and DIY room but you’re the kind of artist that doesn’t like to be pinned solely to one place, even though you appreciate having a home for your tools and creativity? Then we just might have found an idea that will solve your problem very quickly indeed! Mindful Art Studio suggests carrying a miniature portable art kit around with you, giving you access to at least a portion of your supplies wherever you are while still ensuring that it’s all easy to carry in your purse or bag. They even give you advice on what you should put inside!

4. Tall organizer for paints and stamps

Tall all organizer for paints and stamps

In our home, we find we have a lot of awkwardly shaped supplies, like big bottles of different kinds of paints and large, oddly shaped stamps that don’t necessarily stack well or fit easily into bins. That’s why we were happy to come across this space efficient vertical shelving idea featured on The Happy Housie! They show you how to stack bottles and stamps on high shelves so that you fit many on at a time even though the shelf only takes up one wall and doesn’t protrude into the room unnecessarily.

5. Peg board and hooks for sewing tools and supplies

Peg board and hooks for sewing tools and supplies

What if a lot of your supplies are of a kind or shape that they’ll neither stack well or fit very well into bins, so you’re looking for an alternative that’s still space efficient and easy to access from your worktop? Well, for things like sewing supplies, scissors, ribbons, or spools and bobbins, we’d suggest taking a look at how Home Designing created some small hanging space using a peg board and little moveable hooks in different sizes! You can organize your things however you please and change things around as you buy or use things.

6. Glass tabletops for easy cleaning

Glass tabletops for easy cleaning

Are you the main crafter in the family and you suspect that your little ones won’t actually be using the space, so you’re mostly looking for a room that suits your own tastes and abilities? Then we see no problem in you considering a glass tabletop! You’re probably careful enough not to break or scratch the glass but, just like Home Design Photo, you’ll appreciate how easy the glass is to wipe off and keep clean.

7. Ribbon crossed cork board for ideas

Ribbon crossed corkboard for ideas

Maybe you already have all your supplies organized and ready to use any time you need them, but you’re having trouble finding spaces to keep your ideas, coupons, swatches, and inspiration pieces organized and out of the way but still visible? We had that problem too, so we actually made ourselves one of these awesome ribbon crossed cork boards featured on Dig This Design! They’re quick and simple to make from a cork board, some ribbon, and some tacks and they let you keep all kinds of things on the board without having to poke holes into them with the tacks directly. Simply slide what you need to hang up underneath the ribbon!

8. Wall mounted baskets and cups

Wall mounted baskets and cups

Were you quite a large fan of the peg board idea because you like that it keeps supplies up off the tabletops and out of the way, but the things you work with are smaller or not shaped for easy hanging? Then perhaps you’d get along better by hanging organizational baskets from the hooks instead, rather than your crafting tools themselves! Find out just how simple this idea is to put together yourself on Holly’s Art Corner.

9. A large work table with a chair that’s comfortable for hours

A large work table with a chair that's comfortalble for hours

Almost no matter what kind of craft, hobby, or DIY project you love doing most, it stands to reason that you’ll need a good, spacious, and sturdy tabletop to make it happen on. Beyond that, we’d absolutely suggest, just like HGTV does here, that you get yourself a solid, comfortable seat as well! Most forms of creativity take great care and your work will be better and more enjoyable if you are comfortable while you concentrate.

10. Room for easels and inspiration paintings

Room for easels and inspiration paintings

If you’re a painter (or any type or artist who might keep half finished and finished but inspirational pieces around their studio), then you probably already know the value of leaving yourself some spare space to work with. There’s nothing worse than wanting to put a piece down temporarily and realizing that you don’t have so much as an empty corner to lean it is! That’s why My Home Decor leaving a little bit of room for something like an easel or a stand, which will guarantee you always have at least one spot free to set your work.

11. Motivational crafting quotes in hangers

Motivational crafting quotes in hangers

If you’re going to go to all the trouble of making yourself an entire crafts and hobbies room, would you prefer that it be fun and stylish to be in, rather than just functional? We couldn’t agree more that a little bit of simple decor goes a long way in a space you know you’ll spend lots of time in, and what’s better than some homemade decoration for the place you’ll be making things in? We thought this print and hanger motivation wall idea outlined by Mad in Crafts was pretty cute.

12. Corner shaped desk for multi-tasking

Corner shaped desk for multi tasking

Perhaps you’re trying to come up with a way to shape and organize your crafting room that will let you do all kinds of different things in the same space, sometimes all at once? Well, a big, standard shaped table might not be a bad thing, but we actually think that The Country Cottage Chic might be onto something great with the L-shaped corner table instead. This structure lets you start one kind of project on one side of the table and store supplies or start something else on the other!

13. Separate work spaces for separate projects

Separate work spaces for separate projects

Perhaps you like to be very organized and meticulous about your workspaces because your art is also your business or how you make your living. In that case, keeping everything on one surface might not actually be the best idea for you, depending on how many different things you have going at once or what kind of DIY projects you specialize in! In scenarios like that, we think this setup featured on Taylormade Creates might be one of the best we’ve seen. They have two smaller desks, one for their computer and clerical related things and one for their sewing machine, and then one larger table in the middle of the room for multi-purpose use.

14. High vertical shelves to make up for smaller spaces

High vertical shelves to make up for smaller spaces

Did you quite like the idea of vertical shelving when we talked about it earlier with the stamps and paint bottles, but you couldn’t help but wonder whether it might be useful for storing other things as well since those just aren’t supplies you use very often? Well, thanks to these photos from Queen of The Honeydos, you can see how the same style of shelf can also be used to store binders, boxes, and bins to keep all kinds of tools and supplies neat and tidy!

15. Sensible flow for kids’ craft supplies in cubbies

Sensible flow for kids' craft supplies in cubbies

Are you still in the market for some advice on how best to organize your kids crafting room because you’d really like to make sure they can find everything themselves rather than constantly asking you where things are? Then here’s another awesome guide to great, sensical craft supply organization, just to make sure you’re really ready to start filling those cubbies, shelves, and boxes! Find out more on Under a Cherry Tree.

Do you have other tips and suggestions for organizing or taking better advantage of your craft space that you find useful at home but that you don’t see on our list? Tell us all about how it’s done or link us to photos of your idea in the comments section!

The post 15 DIY Tips for Making Your Own Crafts and Hobbies Room appeared first on DIYs.com.
