Illustration of a woman with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Rachel Victoria Hillis

If you’re like me, you might have trouble remembering to water your plants. (I’m not the best plant parent.) I find the phrase “water on Wednesday” to be very helpful. It’s both instructive and fun to say. So, why not celebrate with some illustrations of dutiful plant parents watering their favorite monsteras, calatheas, and ferns?

Remember to “water on Wednesday” with these beautiful illustrations featuring dutiful plant parents.

Illustration of a woman with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Mokshini

Illustration of a woman with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Miranda Sofroniou

Woman watering a plant

Illustration: Rachael Dean

Illustration of women with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Mai Ly Degnan

Illustration of woman standing among plants holding a watering can with big cats around her

Illustration: Melina Illulina

Illustration of a woman with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Marie Boiseau

Illustration of a woman with plants and a watering can

Illustration: Josefina Schargorodsky

Watering a garden

Illustration: Rosanna Tasker

Surreal illustration of a woman watering a plant contained within a larger woman's earring

Illustration: Ojima Abalaka

Ink illustration of a woman watering a plant

Illustration: Alexandra Bowman

The post 11 Beautiful Illustrations Reminding You to “Water on Wednesdays” appeared first on Brown Paper Bag.
