bachelor pad masculine interior design

A man cave is a haven, retreat, a personal world inside 4 walls. This space should have everything which makes a man feel relaxed and alive. Below are 10 great masculine interior design ideas that you can use to create an awesome bachelor pad.

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1. Pick furniture which is simple, robust, and that has angles and straight lines. Leave the sleek lines and soft curves to the ladies.

It is important for furniture in the man cave to be comfortable and this generally means having a big couch which does not exactly have an awesome silhouette but that`s awesome to sit in. However, you should try to find balance between functionality, looks and comfort.

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Image: Dimitar Karanikolov

2. Use shelves to showcase your memorabilia and collections. This is a very simple way for you to personalize your man cave and to display the things which make you happy and relaxed. Of course, they would have to fit in the space so we’re talking about small items such as action figures.

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3. Some colors are perceived to be delicate and feminine and other colors as being dramatic and masculine. When decorating your man cave, search for colors which are neutral like gray. However, you should keep in mind that grays normally give out a cold vibe so you can complement them with something a bit more joyful and warmer like beige, orange, brown or yellow.

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4. An ideal bachelor pad or man cave should surprise guests, at first sight, inspire a warm-inviting feeling of female guests and arouse the envy of male friends. This may be in the form of a wall-to-wall aquarium, a collection of classic books, a wine cellar, or a nice home theater, space that you can use to display the best wines you have collected.

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5. You should also avoid turning your bachelor pad or man cave-pad or into a storage space with many pieces. Having a few but cherished items is the trick to bring about a comfortable ambiance and command attention. Unique pieces like a vintage flag, rare paintings, old sculptures, are a few which can stand on their own and be good conversation starters.

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6. If you`ve a TV, home theater, Xbox, or any other electronic in the man cave don`t let visible wiring undermine the overall design of your man cave. Plan placement so that cables can become more discreet hidden behind furniture or in corners. You can use cable covers or secure a power strip to the furniture`s back so that you can keep the strips out of view. If the wires can`t be concealed, you can group them together with zip ties, or hook and loop straps so that you can contain them into a single unit.

Image: Galina Lavrishcheva

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7. Bachelor pads and man caves should preferably be themed, and although nothing has to match, they should effortlessly harmonize the other parts of the bachelor pad or man cave. Pairing your billiards table and the woods from the bar adds consistency and a touch of class to your man cave.

You should use accessories which match the color palette so that you can the room more cohesive. The way the man cave looks will affect your feelings, mood and how relaxed you will get.

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8. If you are offering drinks or cigars, it is a wise idea to ensure you`ve a spot for everybody to sit comfortably in. Even if the man cave or bachelor-pad is centered around a bar or billiards table, providing some secluded seating on the side is a wise idea for the guests who will not be playing or are in the middle of a private discussion.

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9. Wall decals are one of the most cost effective ways to liven up any large bare walls in the man cave, and there`re a wide variety of designs available online. Designing your own wall decal will almost always be the best choice, but may cost considerably more.

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10. You should strategically position the seats in the man cave strategically at the right distance and for the best possible angles to see everything. Chairs with built-in charging stations, remote holders, and even small fridges can prove handy when you are in the middle of a movie or game.

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The post 10 Ways To Create An Awesome Bachelor Pad for Real Men appeared first on Decoholic.
